Report: Joe Manchin Considering Rejoining
Democrat Party, Running Against Kamala Harris
Breitbart Politics,
Elizabeth Weibel
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
7/22/2024 2:27:53 AM
Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) is considering rejoining the Democratic Party and jumping into the presidential race, according to several reports.
Fox News’s Bret Baier reported that Manchin, who left the Democratic Party in May and registered as an independent, is “considering re-registering as a Democrat and throwing his hat into the ring for President.” Manchin has been described as being a moderate Democrat.Baier added that CNN anchor Jake Tapper had been the first to report the news.
(X) In a post on X, Tapper wrote that “sources close to” Manchin had revealed the senator is “considering re-registering” with the Democratic Party.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Fitzroy 7/22/2024 3:20:53 AM (No. 1763197)
Manchin was occasionally with us, and occasionally against us. The democrats would say the same. And that's his problem. He's neither fish nor fowl. That may make him a legitimate "centrist," which people say they want, but really don't. He's not nearly progressive enough to win the nomination, and not conservative enough to swing any Republicans. He has no constituency outside of West Virginia. He's burned all of his bridges. He would be viable only if the democrats really wanted to save their party from the disaster Kamala represents, but they will have to suffer some historic losses before that happens.
18 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
mifla 7/22/2024 4:05:40 AM (No. 1763207)
The Dems hate him and the Repubs don't trust him.
It is amazing how tone deaf some politicians become over time.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
anniebc 7/22/2024 4:34:06 AM (No. 1763229)
Me, me, me. Why is it that everyone on the dem side with an eye towards being top dog in a country they hate have the least qualifications to be in the position? They should be eager to become maids and butlers in some third world country; that's about all they qualify for. Good grief! these people.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
FJB 2022 23 24 7/22/2024 4:44:37 AM (No. 1763235)
This could get even more interesting. First Nancy and Schumer won't like this developement, they can't control Manchin and then he will have a record which Kamala does not, at least not a good one. He will drain votes from others more than Kennedy will. Then the talk about "democracy" is all but deflated because of the coup on Biden and all Kammie has is abortion. Can't go to the groc store with abortion talk. The Dems are so screwed. MAGA
16 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
5 handicap 7/22/2024 5:41:51 AM (No. 1763268)
No body likes a lying weasel...Manchin, GO HOME, retire, live the good life, leave the rest of us alone.
13 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Cindiana 7/22/2024 5:42:31 AM (No. 1763270)
Get over yourself, weirdo!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
avital2 7/22/2024 6:05:39 AM (No. 1763285)
typical weasel-ly Manchin. why would he rejoin a party he rebuked when it has not reformed itself? without rejecting their BigCover-up Scam? for the Dems, the Biden defenestration reeks of Torricelli opportunism, all about the election and zero about the good of the country as the puppet remains in power for now. and for JoeM, it's all about him. the stench of this self-serving power-hungry bunch blankets the nation. pee-you.all the more reason to MAGA.
9 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
chumley 7/22/2024 7:14:23 AM (No. 1763325)
WV politicians have a bad habit of changing parties like most people change socks. They join up with whoever can get them elected at that moment. It happens in every race from senator to county clerk. Its a source of lots of jokes and head shaking in barber shops and hardware stores all over the state.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
downnout 7/22/2024 7:52:02 AM (No. 1763337)
Manchin could be the poster boy for pigs at the government trough. Once he gets his snout in he’ll never leave. Despicable.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
mobyclik 7/22/2024 8:52:20 AM (No. 1763381)
Head Rats won't like this, he best be very careful at any outdoor campaign events.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 7/22/2024 9:39:32 AM (No. 1763419)
Joe is for what's best for Joe. He's got blisters on his ass from riding the fence.
This morning he announced he's NOT interested in running.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
LadyVet 7/22/2024 10:19:13 AM (No. 1763434)
If Manchin makes a bid for the Dem nomination, this will likely cause other Dems to also throw their hat into the ring. Obama, Soros, and Kamala will try to rush the Zoom vote to not allow time for the potential power-grabbers to organize enough to get 300 signatures/supporters required to get their name in nomination. They will speed up the clock and run it out.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Safari Man 7/22/2024 10:53:48 AM (No. 1763464)
He could just change his surname to Biden and he's in like flynn.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
MickTurn 7/22/2024 4:46:32 PM (No. 1763745)
I can't decide which guy is a Bigger Flake...Joe Maybe Manchin or Lindsey Graham Cracker.
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