BREAKING: Vatican says Archbishop Viganò
‘guilty’ of schism and excommunicated
Life Site News,
Michael Haynes
Original Article
Posted By: Harlowe,
7/5/2024 11:49:09 AM
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced July 5 that it had declared former U.S Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to be guilty of “schism” and automatically excommunicated. [Snip] On 4 July 2024, the Congress of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith met to conclude the extrajudicial penal process referred to in canon 1720 CIC against the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò, titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, accused of the reserved delict of schism (canons 751 and 1364 CIC; art. 2 SST). [Snip] READ: Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for ‘denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
mc squared 7/5/2024 11:53:01 AM (No. 1750163)
May be the best thing that's happened to him. Now he can be his own man.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 7/5/2024 12:04:53 PM (No. 1750174)
"Sorry, but it doesn't have the same 'sting' that it did back in 1521."
Martin Luther
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MickTurn 7/5/2024 12:10:59 PM (No. 1750179)
Interesting, the Pedo supporting Vatican uses the "penal process" to oust one of the few Archbishops with a spine!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Harlowe 7/5/2024 12:19:50 PM (No. 1750186)
The courage of Archbishop Viganò is admired and respected as is that of German priest, theologian, author, hymnwriter, professor and Augustinian friar Dr. Martin Luther during his appearance at the Imperial Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521 where he was told to take back his teachings and said, “"Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen." Prayers and blessings for Archbishop Viganò.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DVC 7/5/2024 12:21:52 PM (No. 1750188)
And the real loser is the Communist Evil Pope.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
smokincol 7/5/2024 12:42:24 PM (No. 1750201)
the Catholic Church will implode if it continues this leftist/communist slide and will end up with no supporters and no clergy
I find is difficult to support an institution that doesn't adhere to the beliefs they make me believe in, something like when the demcommies are in charge .... like they are now but keeping one's head down and play at following the rules is the only protection there is from these misaligned and despotic leaders of governments and, now, religious denominations who are seeking total and complete domination of the people they pretend to serve
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Kate318 7/5/2024 12:44:34 PM (No. 1750203)
You are not the first, true man of God to be condemned by a vicious pope, Archbishop. You are a consecrated servant of God and no heretical poseur can take that away from you. I would gladly receive any sacrament from you without fear of spiritual consequences. Perhaps you can lead the remaining faithful in the Catholic Church to a new beginning.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
dbdiva 7/5/2024 12:44:36 PM (No. 1750204)
Frank's taking a page out of the biden playbook.
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This is a bunch of BULL! Pope Francis is a WOKE Pope and now has as much mental capacity as Joe Biden.
I have been a Catholic my whole life and Pope Francis is not my pope.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
john56 7/5/2024 12:53:02 PM (No. 1750218)
I guess Judge Merchan does some side work for the Vatican. You know, fixed trials and such.
11 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/5/2024 1:06:08 PM (No. 1750226)
Excommunicate the Communist Pope and most of the problems in the Catholic Church will disappear overnight. History has precedents.
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
moebellini3 7/5/2024 1:09:16 PM (No. 1750229)
Like Joe Biden, the Pope gets rid of his adversaries. With all due respect to the office, but many of the Pope's policies go against what the Catholic Church teaches. He's more of a far left leaning politician than a Pope. And that is what Archbishop Viganò is outspoken about.
25 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 7/5/2024 1:10:35 PM (No. 1750231)
He was hitting too close to home with his last paper, but it was only a matter of time anyway.
15 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
formerNYer 7/5/2024 1:17:10 PM (No. 1750239)
Start the American Catholic Church Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, I'll be your first parishioner.
18 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 7/5/2024 1:27:34 PM (No. 1750242)
The world is being sifted, the wheat from the chaff. The Catholic Church, as an institution, is no exception. Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us that the smoke of Satan would infiltrate His Church, but would not prevail. In our long 2,000 year history this is not the first time. We have survived schisms, times with two or three popes, the Borgia popes, the Protestant Reformation, and modern day persecution in Communist China. The Catholic Church will survive the usurper Bergoglio. There is no man on earth, even an false pope, that will lead me away from the Holy Mass and the Eucharistic Table of the Lord.
God bless Archbishop Vigano and all the conservative bishops leading their people in the ways of righteousness.
25 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
chance_232 7/5/2024 1:32:23 PM (No. 1750245)
Now he is free to go public with what he really thinks and inform the public what is really happening behind the scenes.
22 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
kono 7/5/2024 1:32:40 PM (No. 1750246)
Might wind up affecting the Church more than Lefebvre's expulsion. But probably not as much as Luther's. I'm not consciously sedevacantist; but between the two men, it's not entirely clear to me, yet, which is the one espousing things more contrary to the Church's official teachings.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
udanja99 7/5/2024 1:41:33 PM (No. 1750250)
#15 is a much better Catholic than I am. Between this pope and groups like Catholic Charities making millions settling illegal invaders all over the US, I left the church for the second time a couple of months ago. I found a very conservative Anglican Church which is more Catholic than the Catholic Church these days. It still uses the communion rails and kneelers and the altar is on the front wall so that the priests’ backs are to the congregation during the consecration.
Plus, the congregation is much more welcoming and friendly, which makes me feel like I’m actually part of the community. At the Catholic parish I attended for years, I never met a single person and the only one who even said hello was the guy handing out the music sheets.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Gazela 7/5/2024 1:55:35 PM (No. 1750260)
He was accused of using the most vile epithet known in the Spanish-speaking world in referring to the pope: an “Argy típico.”
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 7/5/2024 3:25:40 PM (No. 1750307)
How do I sign up as a "schismatic"?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
m1n0uche19 7/5/2024 4:35:35 PM (No. 1750339)
No genuine Catholics allowed in the Catholic Church!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 7/5/2024 5:36:48 PM (No. 1750372)
Remember, this is the same pope who allowed animist pagans to sacrifice chickens to some jungle ju-ju deity on the grounds of the Vatican last year.
Someone needs to be kicked out, but it ain't Vigano.
8 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
DVC 7/5/2024 6:39:26 PM (No. 1750405)
Right is right, wrong is wrong.
Vigano is right.
The Commie Pope is wrong.
4 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
mifla 7/6/2024 5:42:40 AM (No. 1750648)
I doubt if Francis is going to be around much longer. I can only pray that his successor will not be a liberal.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Harlowe 7/6/2024 11:55:59 AM (No. 1750960)
As a reminder for those who may consider Dr. Martin Luther and his teachings that brought about “The Reformation” heretical, Scripture reveals that God used a variety of individuals to bring about His will that included Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Samson, David, Paul, and Peter. Scripture is the inerrant Word of God: (“All Scripture is breathed out by God...” [2 Timothy 3:16-17] ~~ “ prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation ... men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” [2 Peter 1:20-21]).
Based on Scripture, it is not unreasonable to suggest that Dr. Martin Luther may have been chosen by God to bring about “The Reformation” and there is no mortal, no pope, or anyone else, who can declare with absolute certainty that Dr. Luther, his teachings, and “The Reformation” were/are heretical.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
MickTurn 7/6/2024 12:06:17 PM (No. 1750980)
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for POPE!
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