Breaking News: Explosive exit poll result
shows Labour on track for huge majority
with 410 seats as Tories tumble to just
131 - with Lib Dems on 61 and Reform 13
Daily Mail (UK),
James Tapsfield
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
7/4/2024 5:41:52 PM
Britain is facing the reality of a massive Labour majority today with Keir Starmer projected for an election rout.
Moments after ballot stations closed at 10pm, the dramatic exit poll was released - showing Sir Keir winning 410 of the 650 seats. That would be a majority of 170 - just short of the 179 achieved by Tony Blair.
The Tories are expected to be slashed from the 365 secured less than five years ago to just 131 - their worst performance in modern political history. Meanwhile, the Lib Dems could get 61 - and Nigel Farage's Reform insurgents are predicted to have 13 after effectively leeching millions of votes
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 7/4/2024 5:56:43 PM (No. 1749785)
Conservatives proved to be liars and "RINO equivalents". They did NOT do what they said they would do, and are getting punished.
And never forget that in Britain "conservative" would be about where Bill Clinton is on the political spectrum, by US standards, not even REMOTELY conservative.
But, Brit Labour Party is pretty much a communist party front.
43 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
planetgeo 7/4/2024 6:58:14 PM (No. 1749819)
Still determined to go left, eh? Not convinced yet by what happens to all countries who go left? Ok, Great Britain, get ready to find out what it's like to be Mediocre Britain.
33 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/4/2024 7:09:54 PM (No. 1749827)
Britain will become a combination of Islamic and Communist rule. Their lives are going to be miserable.
56 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
downnout 7/4/2024 8:29:30 PM (No. 1749855)
Britain, we hardly knew ye….
19 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 7/4/2024 9:23:13 PM (No. 1749871)
Never be surprised should the same thing happen here.
19 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
thefield 7/4/2024 10:07:34 PM (No. 1749879)
Last two p.m.s did awful policy. They were more communist than anything else
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 7/5/2024 12:29:43 AM (No. 1749899)
The Brits are like the Canadians. They will never learn.
16 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
LadyHen 7/5/2024 12:53:05 AM (No. 1749908)
Then last True Conservative in that country was the Iron Lady Thatcher... and they all STILL hate her for it. That explains all you need to know about how far Britain has fallen. She is no longer Great, that's for sure.
20 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
mifla 7/5/2024 4:38:53 AM (No. 1749953)
Britain is firmly in the leftist column. What happens next is that the factions within the party will start fighting each other for supremacy,
8 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
LLAMA 7/5/2024 6:14:02 AM (No. 1749986)
Goodbye, UK. We hardly knew ye.
8 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
cireskul 7/5/2024 6:58:51 AM (No. 1749996)
SO, now that the UK has completely slipped into madness, will the "new" government support Ukraine or Russia. If the policy is the same as the last "administration" then what changed? If it does change what does that say to the UN?
5 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
marbles 7/5/2024 7:22:04 AM (No. 1750000)
Farage is a supporter of Trump and was a force behind Brexit.
10 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Catfur27 7/5/2024 8:03:19 AM (No. 1750014)
..I spent over 25 years going to England on business and for pleasure:
1) UK Progs have spent decades creating a "parasite class" of lazy, bitter, entitled, Govt dependents
2) The Brits lead the World in "White Guilt"....and if you think "Replacement Theory" is a conspiracy rant...just take a walk around any city/town in England ( if you dare) looks NOTHING like it did prior to 2000
..the Progs have been successful in the UK...sadly........and the U.S. Progs have taken note.
10 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Trapper 7/5/2024 8:17:36 AM (No. 1750023)
Rishi Sunak just resigned as Prime Minister.
I always have background music playing while I am working. Sometimes I play light jazz, sometimes jazz bar piano music, but my favorite is modern Indian music.
Rishi Sunak. Say his name over and over again, Rishi Sunak Rishi Sunak rishi sunak rishi sunak rishi sunak rishi sunak rishi sunak.
It sounds like the background instrumentation to modern Indian music. Soon the drum beat takes up, then the sitar begins playing the melody. But always in the background is rishi sunak rishi sunak rishi sunak.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 7/5/2024 8:51:32 AM (No. 1750044)
I wonder what Arabic sounds like spoken with a British accent?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
mobyclik 7/5/2024 11:36:55 AM (No. 1750151)
Can anyone explain in 10,000 words or less exactly HOW British politics works? It just seems like one of those cluster things to me.
4 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 7/5/2024 11:46:10 AM (No. 1750159)
The left gets into power and rule like tyrants. There is a backlash, and the left lose power. While out of power, they make it impossible for the government to function. Another backlash occurs, and the left comes back into power with even more draconian rules making it harder to force them out. Eventually they get 100% control.
See it in Britain and here in the United States. It's part of their MO.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
skacmar 7/5/2024 12:42:45 PM (No. 1750202)
Does Britain want to become Greece economically? Do they want to be like France and other EU countries and be overrun by Muslim migrants who knows interest in assimilation into British culture, turning the country into a bunch of no go zones? Guess they admire those things because that is the path that they just voted for.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Jesse Jenkem 7/5/2024 1:50:03 PM (No. 1750257)
Can't they see what the Left has done to this Country?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 7/5/2024 1:55:55 PM (No. 1750262)
There will probably not be the likes of Sir Winston or Queen Elizabeth ever again in our lifetimes. They were our Allies when it really counted. This century, "Ally" has no meaning in global governance.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Miamiwarrior 7/5/2024 1:57:18 PM (No. 1750263)
England has lost the war to Islamization. The Muslims in England are producing between five and eight kids for each wife. The British are not even reproducing themselves, which you need to have an average of at least two children. The White Population is declining. Muslim population is growing.
it’ll be a few short years before Sharia law is imposed
5 people like this.
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