American Thinker,
Andrea Widburg
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Posted by
6/21/2024 6:16:58 PM
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True peace, one that sees people of good will living in harmony with each other despite differing attitudes on some issues, is a wonderful thing. I’d certainly like to see a world like that, although faith tells us it won’t happen without divine intervention. In the real world, there are bad actors, but some once-naïve peace activists—including one former Israeli hostage—are giving up on their Utopian dreams and finally facing reality.
To understand the lunatic nature of leftist peace activists, let’s take a walk through the animal kingdom. Porcupines speak softly and carry big stickers (pun intended). Skunks speak softly and carry bit stinks.
American Thinker,
David Thalheimer
Original Article
Posted by
6/19/2024 2:12:31 PM
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Back in the last century (the 1990s), we “old-timers” in the armed forces wore uniforms of blue, green, khaki, or white slacks, skirts (for women only) and pressed shirts, complete with jackets and ties. Most of us worked side by side with civilian office workers, especially at the Pentagon. Some of us worked with equipment, or in labs, or in environments that required physical labor and had to get permission to wear utility or battle dress uniforms (BDUs) and boots. Camouflage often drew questioning looks, as if we were deliberately flouting the prescribed professional office attire.
Motley Fool,
Daniel Miller
Original Article
Posted by
6/19/2024 11:40:54 AM
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Unless investors have closed their eyes and covered their ears, they've likely heard that electric vehicle (EV) sales growth in the U.S. market has slowed to a crawl. That's become a big headache for major automakers such as Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F), which had planned to invest billions of dollars into its EV segments and battery factories.
[snip] Ford Model e in the first quarter checked in with a $1.32 billion loss. A source told Bloomberg recently that Ford's losses per EV topped a staggering $100,000 during the first quarter,
American Thinker,
Olivia Murray
Original Article
Posted by
6/18/2024 1:56:21 PM
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As if we could have any less confidence in the intellectual capacities of the modern keffiyeh-clad leftists, they go and do something like this, then declare their “shock” at the outcome:
As if we could have any less confidence in the intellectual capacities of the modern keffiyeh-clad leftists, they go and do something like this, then declare their “shock” at the outcome:
On a side note: A human blimp who no doubt supports illegal and unwarranted land seizures (evidenced by the shemagh draped around her shoulders) chanting about a “greedy side” is peak irony.
Breitbart News,
Hannah Knudsen
Original Article
Posted by
6/17/2024 4:57:49 PM
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The black community has a clear comparison and can see that they were better under the leadership of former President Donald Trump, Duke Buckner, challenger of Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Buckner first pointed to the economic realities that Americans know all too well.
“Bidennomics and gas being over $3 a gallon, that means many folks are working just to put gas in their car. When President Trump was in office, gas was under $2 a gallon. Now it’s well over three. And when you have 78 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and for many people, bankruptcy seems
American Thinker,
Olivia Murray
Original Article
Posted by
6/14/2024 1:02:14 PM
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The Environmental Integrity Project just published the results of a new study, which reportedly found that the “biofuel” industry pollutes the air just as much as, and oftentimes more than traditional oil refineries, putting out a “significantly” higher amount of particular “dangerous pollutants” not limited to but including, formaldehyde.
Isn’t that just swell, “they’re” giving us cancer while embalming us in real time—yes, this is the “clean” and “green” future under “their” tutelage. Here are the details, from a new report by Ari Phillips of Oil & Gas Watch, the online publication for the EIP, out just yesterday:
Report: Jet-powered biofuel is weighed down by pollution and loopholes
American Thinker,
Eric Utter
Original Article
Posted by
6/8/2024 10:54:05 AM
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According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, also known as the New World’s Pravda, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a law prohibiting training for licensed police officers on “excited delirium.”
You may well be asking yourself, “Say what?”
Star Tribune: “Excited delirium usually refers to a person possessed by a potentially deadly form of agitation, sometimes abetted by drug abuse, and displaying aggressive behavior, profuse sweating, public nudity, mouth foaming and superhuman strength.”
Well, just because a perp is on drugs, foaming at the mouth, possibly nude, displaying aggressive behavior and deadly agitation while exhibiting superhuman strength, that’s no reason for law enforcement personnel to use force against that person!
Breitbart News,
Kurt Zindulka
Original Article
Posted by
6/5/2024 4:12:19 PM
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Farmers from across Europe took to their tractors again, swarming Brussels and blockading the border between France and Spain to firmly plant their opposition to the globalist Green Deal agenda in the minds of voters as they head to the polls for the European Parliament elections this week.
“Farmers of the world, unite!” was the slogan as tractors shut down the Franco-Spanish border on both sides of the Pyrenees starting on Monday, according to Le Figaro, which reported that around 200 to 300 French farmers joined the protest which blocked at least seven crossings before disbanding on Tuesday.
Breitbart News,
Oliver JJ Lane
Original Article
Posted by
6/5/2024 3:46:43 PM
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An election candidate in Germany was stabbed in the head and stomach on Tuesday night after confronting a gang of men tearing down election posters, the second stabbing of a right winger in a single German city in four days.
62-year-old Alternative for Germany (AfD) council election candidate Heinrich Koch was stabbed in Mannheim on Tuesday. German newspaper Die Welt reports the right-wing campaigner was cut on the ear and stomach by the assailant and was taken to the hospital.
The injuries are not life threatening but required stitches.
American Thinker,
Olivia Murray
Original Article
Posted by
6/5/2024 11:39:11 AM
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A team of “high-powered NASA scientists” has just stumbled upon a very inconvenient truth, and no, I don’t mean that they’ve found new evidence to support the Al Gore fear porn flick, but instead, they’ve discovered that 80% of “global warming” in the last ten years has not been caused by man’s use of natural renewable resources like gas and oil, but “draconian fuel shipping regulations” ostensibly “designed to help prevent global warming.”
[snip] NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming.
American Thinker,
Viv Forbes
Original Article
Posted by
6/3/2024 12:01:09 PM
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The Queensland government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin.
This was an event rarely seen -- politicians stumbling onto a sensible energy policy. Burying CO2 would achieve nothing useful -- just more futile green waste.
But their ban on Carbon Capture and Underground Storage (CCUS) should be extended to all areas of Queensland, not just this one basin.
Even the blinkered Greens and the TikTok generation should recognize that today’s low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are too close to the red line of death, where all plant life will die (followed by animal life).
American Thinker,
Allan J. Feifer
Original Article
Posted by
6/2/2024 12:39:44 PM
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A difficult concept to explain to ordinary people is that some people and some ideas are unadulterated evil, not just in their implementation but in their conception. Most of us are unfamiliar with evil because we spend much time and effort staying as far away as possible. There’s also an impulse to humanize others. Many want to believe the best in people and trivialize or gloss over readily observable behaviors that might lead to seeing a person as evil. People misinterpret evil acts as separate and apart from having an evil soul.
Hitler is a perfect example of pure evil despite a superficial handful of humanizing qualities.
Surprise. You cannot make a rabid dog your friend. EVER. No matter what.