Cruz: Juan Merchan ‘Has Diminished the
Credibility of Every Judge in America’
Jeff Poor
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
5/31/2024 12:37:18 AM
Thursday, immediately following the Trump guilty verdict, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on Newsmax TV to criticize the court for its handling of the case.
He called it a “grotesque abuse” of the justice system and warned that New York Judge Juan Merchan “diminished the credibility of every judge in the country.
“Well, Greta, I have two similar sentiments,” he said during Thursday’s broadcast of “On the Record.” “Number one, I’m angry, I’m furious, and number two, I’m heartbroken. I’m angry because we’re seeing a grotesque abuse of the justice system. It is a travesty of justice that has unfolded in New York. And I’m heartbroken because
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
snapper451 5/31/2024 12:44:21 AM (No. 1728213)
New York Republican legislators must do their job and remove this judge ASAP. He will be torched by a series of appeals courts and is a total embarrassment.
21 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
FJB 2022 23 24 5/31/2024 1:15:02 AM (No. 1728215)
Absolutley agree with Cruz and poster #1. This trial was nothing but a political hit job
and Biden is behind it. MAGA
22 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
mifla 5/31/2024 4:30:41 AM (No. 1728235)
Heard someone on the radio describe him as a rogue judge who made no secret of his hatred of Trump, and did not let the rule of law get in they way of his persecution of Trump. Blatant, obvious, and unconstitutional. The jury was a huge disappointment. They chose to do as they were told by the judge.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Trigger2 5/31/2024 4:31:33 AM (No. 1728236)
Not just the judge but also Bragg, the Soros plant. Both are demonrats in love with Joey and did everything for Joey.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
mifla 5/31/2024 4:32:23 AM (No. 1728237)
Forgot to add one more thing. Look for a severe sentencing from this judge. He knows he will be crucified by the appeals court, but he simply does not care.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 5/31/2024 6:23:46 AM (No. 1728273)
If anyone should be on trial, it should be Joe. He is behind this all the way. WATCH, this is going to back fire in many ways for Joe. This was a very bad move for our nation.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
privateer 5/31/2024 6:48:18 AM (No. 1728275)
A new drama appears 'The Merchan Of Death'. And mathematically, it is impossible to diminish zero.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
5 handicap 5/31/2024 7:28:49 AM (No. 1728292)
Merchan the Scion of the Columbia Drug Cartels proves that the South American Banana republic has control of the New York Justice system.
Has anyone noticed that NO New York "Jurist " has denounced this abortion of a trial? Evidently, they are all accomplices in this travesty.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Venturer 5/31/2024 7:51:44 AM (No. 1728310)
Everybody seems to want to let the jury off the hook.
Not me. That jury could have done the right thing.
ONE person on the jury could have done the right ting.
But every one of them , even the 2 attorneys are guilty of allowing this disgrace.
Diogenes could not find one honest person on that jury.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
felixcat 5/31/2024 10:00:16 AM (No. 1728394)
Re #9 - Heard Sebastian Gorka on the Mike Slater show on Breitbart yesterday describe his day in court with Trump. He mentioned watching the jury enter the courtroom to take their seats; 8 women and 4 men plus alternates. He was aghast at how casual they were dressed. One woman wore a hoodie. None of the men wore ties or a jackets. So that little anecdote tells you how unseriously they took their responsibility.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
CivilServant 5/31/2024 10:00:25 AM (No. 1728395)
No, no Marchan didn’t.
All he did was reveal how corrupt they all are, that the honest are the aberrant.
A Republic, we couldn’t keep it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
broken01 5/31/2024 10:38:11 AM (No. 1728422)
For every Judge Cannon we have 10 judge Merchan's. The latter are nothing but corrupt hyper-partisan leftist democrat hacks in Black robes. Heaven help you if you're a Christian America First Conservative MAGA, PDJT supporter who believes in the rule of law, and you come before their court. Because The Don was right. He's just in the way and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
DVC 5/31/2024 11:24:15 AM (No. 1728444)
For certain, every judge in NYC and probably NY state. Not so sure that judges in Kansas, Florida and Texas along with other sane places have been affected.
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