Ron DeSantis beat Trump soundly in a straw
poll —again— on how much conservatives
would like each man to be their 2024 candidate
Cheryl The
Original Article
Posted By: Solid_Oak,
6/6/2022 11:23:44 AM
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed another clean win over former President Donald Trump in a recent straw poll of self-identified conservative conference-goers who were asked who they'd like to be the 2024 presidential nominee.
According to the poll, DeSantis received the thumbs-up from 71.01% of voters, while Trump received approval from 67.68% of those who answered the poll.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 6/6/2022 11:34:04 AM (No. 1177704)
Set up a “fight” to sow division among the faithful.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
0658 6/6/2022 11:43:19 AM (No. 1177709)
Mixed emotions here, he is my governor and I would hate to see him go.
On the other hand, Trump has been forged in fire. he will not hesitate to do what needs to be done this time around. By now, he knows whose advice to trust and will not hesitate to remove those disloyal Rino's that do not hold the line.
Cleaning out the DOJ and the other three letter agencies must be done and only Trump will have the fortitude to do this. I am sure he is keeping a list of those individuals who are political appointees that are not high profile, but none-the-less, have an inordinate impact on the negative operation of our government.
After due consideration, I believe that given the outright cheating that the democrats will engage in, I believe he can win. I am little concerned with mean tweets.
Our fine governor, DeSantis, will have his time. I believe that my dream team would be Trump / DeSantis. That way he would be there if the primary change agent, Trump, should be illegally driven out of office.
I am sure that President Trump would assign significant duties to DeSantis who could then show his worth. He will then be truly ready when he becomes President from 2028 through 2036. Now that would be some change!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
TexaTucky 6/6/2022 11:51:42 AM (No. 1177718)
Seriously, OP? Is this going to be your schtick during this incarnation of a new L-dot handle?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
curious1 6/6/2022 11:58:43 AM (No. 1177724)
President Trump clearly terrifies the commies embedded like ticks in our federal government and 'news/entertainment media'.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Connor 6/6/2022 11:59:07 AM (No. 1177725)
DeSantis. Trump without all the unnecessary drama.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
spacer 6/6/2022 12:03:01 PM (No. 1177729)
More pig in a poke nonsense. If folks are still lured to the Rove meme of President Trumps " luggage" as a deficit you 're not up for what lies ahead. I've been involved with straw polls in committees over the years and know they mean zero. The estabs in conservative circles are hell bent on stifling Trumps Midas touch with this crap. DeSantis is a comer and I think he knows that. Going into the mid term and 2024 Trump is the way. He has proven on the world stage his strength.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Venturer 6/6/2022 12:18:08 PM (No. 1177753)
Donald Trump did great things while President, but he could have been even greater with the backing of the republican party, that he did not get.
I believe DeSantis could be great. I would like to see Trump give his wholehearted support to Desantis.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
danu 6/6/2022 12:19:12 PM (No. 1177756)
The shambolic JoeRICOBummer economy can only be unravelled and restored by 1 man--the Giant of Legend , TrumpoDon.
Without our economy we're as ded as last year's potato latke.
It is our hope that, during this hiatus, PDT has been schooling himself on the various schemes of the animlpharm
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Solid_Oak 6/6/2022 12:25:19 PM (No. 1177767)
Ah, I see. Competition and any discussion of who has the best chance of winning is now divisive. It's either get on one knee in front of Trump, or you are sowing division. Guess I will have to get some indoctrination training to get my head straight - NOT.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Moritz55 6/6/2022 12:26:19 PM (No. 1177768)
There is still plenty of time to see how things shake out.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 6/6/2022 12:45:09 PM (No. 1177805)
Trump gets the cross-over voters, will take time for DeSantis to earn enough cross-over voters to win outside FL. We need both to take on the swamp.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Pinkpanther 6/6/2022 2:03:32 PM (No. 1177886)
I’m voting for Trump who is a seasoned warrior and now knows his way around the political swamp. DeSantis is is still young and should be the president after Trump.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Kate318 6/6/2022 2:11:06 PM (No. 1177895)
Exactly, #4. One of the things RINOs and libs have in common is that they think they are so much smarter than we knuckle-dragging, MAGA conservatives. The usernames change, but the language and the double posts are dead giveaways.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 6/6/2022 2:31:53 PM (No. 1177911)
Trump has to drop the 2020 election stuff and move forward or he is going to lose! Nobody wants to vote for a whiner in chief! Tell us how you will fix Bradon's US! That is all! How will you clear out the swamp? Tell us your kids will NOT be part of the Administration this time! Be positive and upbeat no matter what! I hope he can do it but I'm betting on DeSantis based on results!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
red1066 6/6/2022 3:04:54 PM (No. 1177930)
Either one will make this country a better place to live. Rather than try and create a division in the Republican ranks, look at the similarities of the two. They're almost like father and son. One just hasn't been exposed to D.C as much as the other.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
FJB 6/6/2022 3:22:33 PM (No. 1177955)
De Santis (or somebody) is already running ads for a presidential run on Tampa Bay cable. Count on the enemedia to do the same to Trump that they did last time. But we don't want to lose De Santis down here.
No easy choices!
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
bobn.t 6/6/2022 3:37:42 PM (No. 1177969)
Never bet against Trump.
He's a winner.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Rich323 6/6/2022 3:58:52 PM (No. 1177995)
They fear Trump and want DeSantis to be the nominee and then the democrats will reveal a new “Russia type” scandal on DeSantis with no time for him to rebut. Best to go with Trump DeSantis and let the VP crosscheck the appointments and policies list. Then DeSantis after that for the next eight years!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Gina 6/6/2022 4:25:32 PM (No. 1178017)
I'm voting for Trump. Don't muddy the waters with anyone else who is not proven like Trump.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Gina 6/6/2022 4:28:14 PM (No. 1178021)
Also, it does not help DeSantis that the establishment talking heads are for him. Remember when these same people where pushing for Bush and after Bush failed they switched to Rubio. I'll stick with Trump --- he's proven. Also, I enjoy sticking it to those establishment talking heads.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Geoman 6/6/2022 5:10:19 PM (No. 1178046)
Taking Congress from the dems is job 1 in 2020. There is a lot of ground to cover before the ‘24 elections.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
RedWhiteBlue 6/6/2022 6:40:45 PM (No. 1178090)
I'm all in for TRUMP. He's my PRESIDENT!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
OkieTom 6/6/2022 7:13:48 PM (No. 1178114)
71 to 68% is pretty darn close to me.
And while DeSantis is doing all the right things and would be a very good candidate, Trump deserves four more years for all his accomplishments, and simply because the Marxist democrats defrauded him and the country in the 2020 election.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
chance_232 6/6/2022 7:16:43 PM (No. 1178117)
I prefer DeSantis. If ya'll haven't been paying attention, the media and democrats have been trying to kneecap him for two + years. So....he isn't exactly a novis when dealing with his opponents. The diffence between Trump and DeSantis is this. DeSantis will make you look stupid. Trump, on the other hand, will publicly go on a rant and call you names.
What I can't answer is, does DeSantis think outside of the box like Trump does. And, would DeSantis put together as bad a cabinet as Trump did?
Regardless, I would be happy with either.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Muguy 6/6/2022 11:08:54 PM (No. 1178266)
DeSantis is the best choice this time around.
The media hates President Trump with every breath they take. As long as he is still alive, they will create fake controversies to ruin him. He has "cleared the road" for DeSantis to complete the mission.
Biden didn't get votes of support in 2020, he got ANTI-TRUMP votes-- That may be hard to believe, but millions voted AGAINST Trump rather than FOR JoeBamaBiteMe.
The media made sure to protect and hide and make up things to cover the vegetable, and still do to this day while Nobama is running the show coming up with every conceivable crazy idea to divide the country and pit republicans against themselves.
The rigged the Census information, they rigged the election in some swing states, and when judges refused to hear evidence brought they could claim that "nothing happened".
They made sure to create a flu hoax to keep us all at bay and introduce welfare to everyone and are now doing their damndest to invade our country with people to break the system economically.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
tootall 6/7/2022 9:50:11 AM (No. 1178643)
'in the trenches style activists' have turned out to be establishment RINOS in too many cases. Why not DeSantis as VP, and let DJT be the bad guy who outs all corrupted elites? President Trump will bring a very large number of previously uninvolved folks out of the woodwork as well as the true Conservatives. The Progs/Libs/Dems are going to scream and attack no matter what, so why not put a proven fighter who wins in the arena.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
TexaTucky 1/18/2023 4:11:49 PM (No. 1381771)
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I'm not surprised. DeSantis gives voters Trump's MAGA policies and ability to achieve results, without the luggage that turns off a lot of voters.