Boom! Donald Trump Jr. Lights Up Biden
On Student Loan Forgiveness
The Blue State Conservative,
Jess Lawson
Original Article
Posted By: PeterWolosin,
5/17/2022 8:53:02 AM
Donald Trump Jr. is not his father. His dad is indeed one-of-a-kind. But there are certain traits and features that have clearly been passed down from Trump the elder, particularly when it comes to their personalities. One of the more endearing qualities in both men is their plainspokenness. They don’t pull any punches, especially when it comes to issues and politicians about which they are passionate. Such was the case with Trump the younger when he weighed in on a hot-button topic recently, as reported by the Washington Post on Sunday.
The subject was the Biden Administration’s flirtation with so-called “student loan forgiveness,” and Don Jr. didn’t hold back:
Reply 1 - Posted by:
weirdone 5/17/2022 8:56:36 AM (No. 1157747)
College graduation season is in full swing and many graduates are leaving school with major debt from student loans. President Biden has promised to help with loan forgiveness. Those who received student loans signed a contract to repay the loan with interest. If these loans are forgiven and the taxpayers are stuck with the bill, why shouldn't my GI Bill mortgage be forgiven? Or my government sponsored Small business loan, or any other government sponsored loan?
Should those of us who paid off their student loans, or those of their children, expect a refund check?
And these loans will be paid for by printing more worthless money further fueling inflation which is currently at a 40 year high due to government policy and is now admittedly no longer transitory.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
sanspeur 5/17/2022 9:01:10 AM (No. 1157751)
“Despite being brought up wealthy they identify with common man & wemen “ What ? excuse me but humans are humans and the economics are not their destiny .. let’s just undo our unique American Experience and reset it for financial groups ? as if in this country there is no movement up or down the ladder ..sheese .i take it all back , the uniparty IS exactly trying to do this .bring back king george and the merrie band of hessians.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
seamusm 5/17/2022 9:08:17 AM (No. 1157761)
This idea keeps getting floated yet appears to be going nowhere. I get the impression that even the Dims have some adults in the room who keep shooting this proposal down while its proponents use the idea to repeatedly tease younger debt-ridden Dem children.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Quigley 5/17/2022 9:27:02 AM (No. 1157778)
I think the real issue with loan forgiveness is a windfall to the lenders, especially for loans in default which have probably accumulated default interest and fees equal to the original loan amount.
Schmoe took very good care of big banks all his venal and grimy political life. That’s no doubt why credit card debt specifies Delaware law. Of course now he’s a commy aka “progressive.” This issue allows him to act in both roles.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 5/17/2022 9:43:52 AM (No. 1157791)
To #3: Wrong, the democrats' every policy decision and program demonstrate, without question, that there are zero adults in their midst...they are 100% composed of ideological fanatics, whose deviant perspectives may vary, but which are all so far left it'll put a crick in your neck just to look at them.
Just name the issue, and then just shake your head at its looming (or accomplished) disaster:
Foreign policy (Afghanistan, Iran, China, Russia/Ukraine, etc)
Security (continuing weaponization of FBI/DOJ/CIA/etc against conservative Americans)
Health (continuing mindless promotion of a vaccine that not only doesn't work, but increase deaths from all causes)
Immigration (10,000 new illegals every day)
Economy (highest inflation/gasoline/food prices in 40 years, roaming shortages, etc)
Social Justice (institutionalized racism at every level of govt, education, business, etc)
Environment (insane push to electric cars that cannot ever work...not ever, because every major requirement is a non-starter).
Energy (insane push to unworkable windmills and solar cells, while obstructing domestic oil production/transportation/etc).
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Marzon 5/17/2022 9:53:25 AM (No. 1157805)
Don't call it Student Loan Forgiveness, call it Student Debt Transfer, which is what it is. The debt will be transferred from those who incurred it and promised to pay it back to those who did not.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 5/17/2022 10:32:03 AM (No. 1157844)
The Democrats created the problem they are now looking to excuse, which is typical Democrat scheme.
I don't believe the IRS would view loan forgiveness as anything but a taxable benefit, which puts a new burden on those they are attempting to "help".
About the only loan forgiveness I would support would be for teachers, and those who teach in underprivileged neighborhoods. They'd have to been teaching a minimum of 3 years, and have to continue for another 3 years. It would be something that could assist States and Cities attract teachers and to supplement the salaries. You'd put the account on hold while this would be developing, so the person with the loan would not have a payment during that time period.
It's narrow and focused with the intent to help provide students and parents teachers they may not normally attract.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Alecto2 5/17/2022 10:34:40 AM (No. 1157846)
Plus #4, I believe it was the bankers who persuaded Clinton to make student debt non dischargeable in bankruptcy. Lifelong serfdom.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 5/17/2022 10:38:05 AM (No. 1157848)
My college career was one of professional binge drinking, pot smoking and chemistry with an emphasis in hallucinations! It was awesome! No loans! Full ride to play trumpet! Did a couple of symphony gigs pretty ripped!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 5/17/2022 1:51:43 PM (No. 1158050)
For two solid weeks we have been hearing nothing but about the poor, struggling, women with children who are holding down two jobs to support them and how catastrophic it would be if abortion was denied them. Right? Well, where are those same screeching pro-aborts who care, oh so much, about poor women when these very same poor women will be forced to have money taken from them to pay the tuition for some prep educated Ivy League puke?
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