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A wind farm company admitted killing 150
eagles in the US and was fined $8 million.
Almost all died from being hit by the blades.

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 4/7/2022 8:30:34 AM

A renewable energy company was given five-year probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines after the deaths of 150 bald and golden eagles on their wind turbines. NextEra Energy subsidiary ESI Energy pleaded guilty to violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, per a press release from the Department of Justice. The Act prevents anyone from killing or taking parts from protected birds without permission from the federal government. Golden and bald eagles are further protected by federal law. The company pleaded guilty to three specific deaths, which prompted the fines, per the DOJ. As part of


Enviros are OK with the eagle deaths because wind turbines are part of their 'greater good'.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PChristopher 4/7/2022 8:34:35 AM (No. 1121865)
Shut 'em down! Eagle Lives Matter!!
29 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 4/7/2022 8:49:31 AM (No. 1121884)
If you or I killed a Eagle it would mean jail time of up to 2 years each plus a fine.
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 4/7/2022 8:59:31 AM (No. 1121901)
This is crazy. The Government is subsidizing and giving permits, and insisting on building these wind Farms and then fining the wind farm for killing eagles? That's crazy. Just how do they expect this wind farm to stop eagles (and any and all birds) from flying into these farms.? Will they continue to fine them every year for killing more eagles as it is certain more will die from the same thing. How many birds are being cooked by heat from Solar panels?
43 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: swarfer 4/7/2022 9:04:09 AM (No. 1121911)
Scientists knew this was going to happen. How did they get a permit in the first place? Where are the environmentalists?
28 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Highlander 4/7/2022 9:17:18 AM (No. 1121924)
Not such a good tax break there.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: ROLFNader 4/7/2022 9:21:15 AM (No. 1121929)
Shut all of those wasteful, sight polluting, bird killing whirly-gigs down and open Keystone back up YESTERDAY!
36 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jean123 4/7/2022 9:24:43 AM (No. 1121936)
So let me get this straight. Wind turbines can kill eagles only if the government gives you a permit to kill them.
19 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: tangles 4/7/2022 9:25:14 AM (No. 1121938)
Cats kill more birds than turbines and are way cuter to look at.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DCGIRL 4/7/2022 9:28:13 AM (No. 1121944)
So, where is PETA?
17 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Chiritwo 4/7/2022 9:28:31 AM (No. 1121945)
Fining them is going to bring the eagles back. It's not teaching the companies anything either. Next year they'll just pay another fine as more eagles and other birds die. We also know that solar panels scorch birds.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Chiritwo 4/7/2022 9:29:01 AM (No. 1121948)
not bring the birds back
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: qr4j 4/7/2022 9:33:02 AM (No. 1121951)
Every windmill needs to have a safety screen put round the circumference of the blades, back, front, top, and bottom. The windmills would look like giant versions of the three-speed fan that I had for my bedroom in an un-airconditioned house when I was a child. Problem solved . . . LOL The whole thing is more ludicrous than my solution.
15 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mean Gene 4/7/2022 9:44:09 AM (No. 1121965)
Pretty soon this problem will solve itself. Eagles don't reproduce like rabbits. They will go extinct. Then rabbits' population will explode, along with moles, voles, rats, mice, hares and more.
13 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 4/7/2022 9:46:06 AM (No. 1121969)
So the Green New Deal is bad for the environment and its critters. Gollee. The law of unintended consequences has struck. Unfortunately for the Eagles, they beared the brunt. The Green kills Eagles. Sounds like an excellent campaign slogan to me.
11 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 4/7/2022 9:46:31 AM (No. 1121971)
Oh the Hummanity!!!
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bad-hair 4/7/2022 9:47:58 AM (No. 1121976)
They're going to have to spin twice as fast to charge your gas saving electric car. Idiots. Definition ... Capable of physical labor under close supervision.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: felixcat 4/7/2022 9:50:04 AM (No. 1121981)
Re #8 - I doubt any cat is killing a bald or golden eagle. We keep hearing how drilling is so damaging to the environment and animals, such as the caribou in Alaska and yet, study after study and facts from actual drilling in Alaska and elsewhere shows that animals are not harmed.
15 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Thos Weatherby 4/7/2022 9:54:45 AM (No. 1121990)
Eight million dollars will stop other wind farms from starting up. This will help prove that green energy doesn't work. These wind turbines will continue to kill eagles. Will this be a part of the cost of doing business? Why is a wind farm allowed to be established so close to an eagles habitat?
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: red1066 4/7/2022 9:56:10 AM (No. 1121992)
What could possibly go wrong with whirling blades that are hundreds of feet long. Birds? What birds?
11 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Quigley 4/7/2022 9:57:52 AM (No. 1121994)
Bird Lives Matter. Or splatter. The Self Righteous now have bird stains on their souls- like a car windshield after a 1000 mile trip through Bughaven. How’s your holier than thou sustainable energy ? I guess if you don’t have a pet bird to go along with your “Visualize World Peace” bumper sticker you don’t care. All that matters is feeling holier than us. In other words you’re a Dimocrap.
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Axeman 4/7/2022 10:06:10 AM (No. 1122004)
Electric companies kill eagles, hawks, vultures, and other birds by the thousands on transmission lines every year. Flaming birds even start some large wildfires this way. My house has large windows on which birds end their lives. Did I or the house kill the birds? No, it was the person who built the house who killed all the birds. Or maybe the window manufacturer. If only windows had never been invented!
2 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: nerdowell 4/7/2022 10:21:52 AM (No. 1122028)
The way I figure it, the windmill was there first. The eagles were trespassing and being stupid. Everybody should know automatically that bad things happen when you stick your head in a fan. It's common sense. The They're fining the windmill for just being a windmill
2 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: TurtleDove 4/7/2022 10:25:09 AM (No. 1122035)
I have hated those damned things since day 1 & THIS is precisely why! 150 KILLED!!! OMG. Why probation??...they should do SERIOUS jail time plus the fine. If I killed one I would probably get at least 6mos, if not longer.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: MDConservative 4/7/2022 10:26:43 AM (No. 1122040)
Stupid eagles.
1 person likes this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: starboard 4/7/2022 10:49:51 AM (No. 1122056)
You hear that Audobon Society. They love to blame President Trump for killing birds.
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: cheeflo 4/7/2022 10:50:16 AM (No. 1122058)
I watched a video of a birdwatching group in England that had spotted a bird believed to be extinct. They were all thrilled and excited but within just a minute or two, they watched in horror as it flew into the blade of a wind turbine.
3 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: DVC 4/7/2022 10:56:58 AM (No. 1122074)
They should blow up 150 of those damned ugly, bird killing monsters as the "fine".
8 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: rochow 4/7/2022 11:07:01 AM (No. 1122094)
One of the reasons the Germans started looking at this green energy machine, they began noticing how many dead birds were on the ground. I guess it's ok for the tip stealing waitress that these beautiful birds get killed, but we cannot have pipelines that bring oil/gas from Cananda!
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: DVC 4/7/2022 11:17:26 AM (No. 1122108)
For each eagle killed, demolish a windmill. Sounds like the perfect fine.
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Starboard_side 4/7/2022 11:25:35 AM (No. 1122120)
And, the blades of these massive wind turbines are made of fiberglass, and aren't easily recycled. Most are ended up in landfills.
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Jethro bo 4/7/2022 11:38:41 AM (No. 1122141)
Eagles need to pay their fair share to save the planet is all I'll say!
2 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: paral04 4/7/2022 11:39:01 AM (No. 1122142)
Yes, they don't talk about how devastating these high-speed windmills have been to the bird population. For some reason the left thinks it is OK but gasoline is evil.
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: smokincol 4/7/2022 11:50:49 AM (No. 1122152)
so much for using wind as an energy source - nuclear energy is the only way to correct the energy question
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Reply 34 - Posted by: walcb 4/7/2022 12:04:39 PM (No. 1122167)
FTA: "Turbines ultimately favour birds indirectly, according to the American bird conservancy, because they slow down climate change and help preserve endangered habitats." Except that global warming is a Green Weenie fantasy and doesn't exist nor has it been proven that increases in temperature would cause a decrease in the bird population.
3 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: LeftCoast 4/7/2022 12:19:47 PM (No. 1122184)
I recall the leftist hysteria over sea birds covered with oil from the Santa Barbara oil spill. When a bird died. the left went bananas. Where are these leftist now?
3 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: chefrandy 4/7/2022 12:32:13 PM (No. 1122204)
The turbine blades need to have eagle whistles installed on them like I have on my car to avoid hunting deer out of season.
2 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: czechlist 4/7/2022 1:18:28 PM (No. 1122265)
#21 please explain how power lines kill birds. a circuit must be completed for electrical current to flow. A bird would have to be in contact with 2 power lines of different potential (voltage) for that to occur.
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Reply 38 - Posted by: Robert Jones 4/7/2022 2:11:00 PM (No. 1122322)
Those windmills don't generate as much electricity as they were supposed to, they are very inefficient in cold weather, they wear out much sooner than advertised and they cost a forturne to replace, not to mention what good are those tremendous blades when they wear out. Besides that, they are a great idea.
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Reply 39 - Posted by: padiva 4/7/2022 5:21:37 PM (No. 1122486)
There should be warning signs on the turbines for birds to stay 6 feet away. Sure why not. There are 'deer crossing' signs on our roads so the deer know where it is safe to cross the road./s
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Reply 40 - Posted by: Axeman 4/8/2022 12:02:11 AM (No. 1122704)
#37, wingtip to wingtip when they are fully outstretched. These great birds don't rest on the lines, they roost on the poles. Most pole tops have been redesigned to alleviate this risk by now, staggered placement of crosspieces, dedicated high roosts, and other ways, but it still happens. They only need to get close enough to start an arc and they're instantly fried. Our HT lines are insulated in these parts.
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Reply 41 - Posted by: mifla 4/8/2022 5:02:15 AM (No. 1122797)
Racist eagles.
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A wind farm company admitted killing 150
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Posted by NorthernDog 4/7/2022 8:30:34 AM Post Reply
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A wind farm company admitted killing 150
eagles in the US and was fined $8 million.
Almost all died from being hit by the blades.
41 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/7/2022 8:30:34 AM Post Reply
A renewable energy company was given five-year probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines after the deaths of 150 bald and golden eagles on their wind turbines. NextEra Energy subsidiary ESI Energy pleaded guilty to violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, per a press release from the Department of Justice. The Act prevents anyone from killing or taking parts from protected birds without permission from the federal government. Golden and bald eagles are further protected by federal law. The company pleaded guilty to three specific deaths, which prompted the fines, per the DOJ. As part of
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Posted by Imright 4/7/2022 5:17:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 4/7/2022 7:43:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 4/7/2022 4:49:09 AM Post Reply
Isn’t the Democrat Party the party of empathy, love and inclusion? Oh wait, that’s what they say, not exactly what they do. No putsch here. Oh no, this Svengali is way too cool to actually show his fangs as he destroys his former vice-president, Joe Biden. Forgetting also that Joe Biden was the man who made him. (snip) But, have you ever watched any politician, or ex-president no less, more narcissist than Obama’s televised bloodless coup at the White House? Clearly the overthrow was devised, written, directed, and implemented by the former president.
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Posted by Imright 4/8/2022 12:46:55 PM Post Reply
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Chicago business relocation pitch targets
‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation with
full-page ads in Florida, Texas and Arizona
31 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/7/2022 7:58:21 PM Post Reply
In the war for the hearts, minds and corporate relocations of businesses, Chicago has fired another shot across the bow at three Sun Belt rivals over recent legislation targeting the LGBTQ+ community, such as the Florida education law critics have dubbed “Don’t Say Gay.” World Business Chicago, the city’s public-private economic development arm, bought full-page ads Thursday in the Orlando Sentinel, Dallas Morning News and Phoenix Business Journal to launch a new marketing campaign and promote Chicago as a more inclusive business climate. “In Chicago, We Believe,” takes on a lightning rod issue that has led a growing number of
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