Critics Rip Defense Department Over What
It Claims Are 'Necessities' in Military
Leah Barkoukis
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
2/10/2022 10:53:11 PM
Critics ripped the Department of Defense on Wednesday for a woke tweet promoting the need for “diversity” and “inclusion” in the military. The tweet linked to a news story about remarks Bishop Garrison, the senior advisor to the secretary of defense for human capital and diversity, equity, and inclusion, made to the Center for a New American Security. Garrison said the need for diversity, equity and inclusion to be a consideration or a part of all decisions in the military. "I would hope that as many leaders and members of the total force as possible see [diversity, equity and inclusion] efforts as a force multiplier," he said.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Rich323 2/10/2022 11:08:40 PM (No. 1068422)
Don’t forget pregnancy flight suits! Nothing like a 200lb female pilot in a tight flight suit. We will need to double up number if pilots since they will be out on paternity leave for many weeks. Right now the male pilots end up flying deployments across water because menstruating women are unable to sit in cockpit for 10-12 hours due to sanitary issues not to mention if we have combat missions requiring pulling Gs during menses. What a country hope we don’t get in a serious war with someone like the Russians.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 2/10/2022 11:11:54 PM (No. 1068427)
FTA "I would hope that as many leaders and members of the total force as possible see [diversity, equity and inclusion] efforts as a force multiplier," he said."
Force multiplier! We don't need to help the enemy by giving them a force multiplier!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Rich323 2/10/2022 11:12:27 PM (No. 1068429)
B-1 Bomber had to redesign toilet because women could not take down flight suit to pee because the light blocking curtain didn’t not allow bending over. Millions spent for little return as most females get pregnant and drop out of flying jobs in less than 7 years to be mommies.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
NorCaliInfidel 2/10/2022 11:16:16 PM (No. 1068433)
When I was in the US Army, serving under Ronald Reagan as my Commander-in-Chief, we had a different definition of a "Combat Multiplier". Esprit de Corps, superior training, tactical initiative, training for positions two grades higher than the assigned role. Air superiority. Things have changed under "Medals" Milley.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Californian 2/11/2022 12:33:37 AM (No. 1068474)
Equity and diversity are force multipliers. For the enemy when we forget the purpose of the military is not to enforce Wokey Woke nonsense in critical national security functions like... war.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/11/2022 12:59:45 AM (No. 1068484)
All the woke policies does is cause division and hate in the ranks, who now spend their time on arguments, rather than defending the nation.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
chumley 2/11/2022 1:16:56 AM (No. 1068497)
The military runs on stupidity. Always has. Some moron comes up with a "program" that everyone is required to support. For a few years it is the holy grail, making careers and costing money, while returning very little if anything. Then it falls out of favor and everyone abandons it saying they never really believed in it anyway. It is then replaced by another stupid program and the cycle repeats.
If you can stand it for 20 years you get to retire.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 2/11/2022 2:09:50 AM (No. 1068513)
Diversity and inclusion are destructive as hell.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
pensom2 2/11/2022 2:59:20 AM (No. 1068538)
When the lefties decided to mix women in their 20's with men in their 20's in the same buildings, positions, battalions, and so on, ignoring the threat posed by galloping hormones, the military dropped by 20% in their war readiness ratings. Completely asinine.
I recently read proposals for a build-up in military spending for armaments, jets, and ships, to counter the Chinese and Russian threats. Where do these folks think the Navy is going to find all the sailors to man the recommended additional aircraft carriers? Without the draft, no one with enough sense to swab the decks will voluntarily sign up, after seeing how Biden and Milley humiliated and risked the lives of so many soldiers while playing "cut and run" from Afghanistan.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/11/2022 3:26:40 AM (No. 1068553)
#7, I agree. Notice the similarity with the Department of Education. Democrat policies are similar to Ebola. They destroy whatever they touch. If they are not soundly defeated in 2022, the country will not survive their insane policies.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
5 handicap 2/11/2022 5:52:02 AM (No. 1068610)
Milley the Blutarsky of the Chiefs of Staff and "Pink Panties" David Berger have no business telling anyone let alone real soldiers how to operate. Their vested interest in the LGBTQSTFU community has deteriorated the fitness of the Military to a terrible degree.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
downnout 2/11/2022 8:22:34 AM (No. 1068715)
The current politically correct theory of diversity, equity and inclusion should be changed to diversity, inclusion and equity or the acronym DIE….because that is what is going to happen to our soldiers when they have to go into battle.
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Why, it's almost as if we've already lost, and they're just draining us dry at this point while killing off any vestiges of national pride we once had.