Joe Biden Claims Shelves Are Well Stocked
as Grocers Ration Food
Breitbart Economy,
Wendell Husebo
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
11/25/2021 7:59:20 AM
President Joe Biden tweeted Wednesday that supermarket shelves are well stocked across the country while grocers ration food.
“For all those concerns a few weeks ago that there would not be ample food available for Thanksgiving, families can rest easy today,” Biden claimed.
“Grocery stores are well-stocked with turkey and everything else you need,” the president added.
Meanwhile, Publix Supermarkets, a Florida-based grocer, warned customers this week to expect food shortages in all 1,280 stores across the southeast.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, the list of rationed foods include the following:
Canned cranberry sauce
Jarred gravy
Canned pie filling
Canola and vegetable oil
Cream cheese
Rolled breakfast sausage
Paper napkins
Disposable plates, cups and cutlery
Bath tissue
Refrigerated snacks (Lunchables-type items)
Sports drinks
Aseptic-type juices
Reply 1 - Posted by:
snapper451 11/25/2021 8:11:17 AM (No. 988384)
Think about it, every single thing the Xiden administration has done is WRONG. Release oil from strategic oil reserves (as Russia and China threaten WWIII) and gas goes up $2.00/barrel in hours, immigration policy, Afghanistan,..... Everything Dementia Joe reads with his beady eyes and what Raggedy Ann says are 100% lies. They could not say that today is Thursday.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/25/2021 8:16:42 AM (No. 988393)
Things are always peachy in Bizarro world. "They're coming to take me away, ha haaa."
"And they're coming to take me away
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to take me away ha haaa!" Napolean XIV
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bamapreacher 11/25/2021 8:21:48 AM (No. 988396)
If shelves are well stocked it's only because people can't afford to buy much due to Bidenflation.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
red1066 11/25/2021 8:29:11 AM (No. 988407)
Almost every one of these items is produced in the U.S. They're not sitting out on a container ship waiting to be unloaded. They aren't being produced and shipped to stores because of the vaccine mandates that have been ruled as Un Constitutional.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Califedup 11/25/2021 8:37:53 AM (No. 988421)
#4 - You are exactly right. Asked my local Publix Manager why Turkeys are being rationed since they are grown in the US and he said because once again people are panic buying so they had to limit the purchases to one per family. Panic buying Turkeys? Fellow citizens - quit allowing communist induced fear by the media to rule your everyday life. Overcome your fear and practice civil disobedience, refuse to be silent in the face of vocal outbursts by the communist death democrats you meet in your daily life and make sure you are exercising your Second Amendment rights. God Bless America, we will win in the end.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 11/25/2021 8:48:38 AM (No. 988434)
Publix is being disingenuous. And greedy. One year ago, a gallon of apple cider was around $3.79. Yesterday, Publix was selling a gallon of cider for $10.99. Walmart had gallons of cider for $5.88. About $2 more than last year, but 3x as much at Publix? Shame on Publix and their price gouging.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Daisymay 11/25/2021 8:49:10 AM (No. 988436)
I shopped at Publix yesterday. No Milk, no Half and Half! Now, I think MAYBE it's poor planning on the part of the person doing the ordering! My Publix has been guilty of this for a couple years! They run out of things that should be a no-brainer. Order ahead, know what your customers buy the most of and if someone comes in and tries to buy 20 packs of Toilet Paper, SAY NO! Pretty simple! Meanwhile, I ran all over town looking for Heintz Chili Sauce for a recipe that requires it. Nobody had it! Finally ordered it online from TARGET! Who knew! Had it at my door in three days. Of course, I had to also order a new Toaster to fulfill the rule of nothing under $30 will be delivered (no they didn't have it in the Store). I needed the Toaster anyway!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/25/2021 8:53:48 AM (No. 988441)
The nearby Winn-Dixie and Publix are missing a lot of ordinary items this year. Whether the problem involves production or shipping depends on what it is that's missing or in short supply.
Andrea Widburg--many of her essay have been posted on this news forum--called the pResident a "stone cold liar." That's the truth about the commander-in-thief. Since he entered the Senate in 1973, he's been a conscienceless liar on issue after issue. Why should such a compulsion ever go away? He'll lie as long as he breathes. Does he know he's lying? Of course he does, to the extent that he remembers anything.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
seamusm 11/25/2021 9:02:07 AM (No. 988448)
Do his handlers really believe we are all blind? We can readily see Biden is full of it - everytime we walk into a store. These ridiculous pronouncements only serve to convince us Joe is demented - but then maybe THAT is exactly what we are supposed to realize.
9 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 11/25/2021 9:11:42 AM (No. 988458)
Empty shelves are music to Joe's ears, and his fellow Democrats. Government dependency is the game. Government breadlines are the aim. A complete deconstruction of America is the goal. The alphabets are complicit. Xi is ecstatic.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Daria 11/25/2021 9:20:44 AM (No. 988469)
Theme song for Biden-Harris 2024: "Back in the USSR".
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
bad-hair 11/25/2021 9:34:27 AM (No. 988480)
Well stocked at 40 bucks a turkey. I'll be stocking up the freezer on Friday when the prices crash. Might even buy a bigger freezer.
9 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
BirdsNest 11/25/2021 9:45:40 AM (No. 988498)
Yesterday a lady was in a state of euphoria because she found the last 2 cans of creamed corn on the shelf in Dollar General. She had been to 5 stores looking for it. Stores look like they have been looted.
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To be fair, they keep Joe Biden out of grocery stores lest he have a "George H. W. Bush at the checkout scanner" moment.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
wakeupcall 11/25/2021 10:09:46 AM (No. 988532)
Compared to supplies in third world countries, American shelves are full when half empty.
No one in America is standing in lines to buy items that are not on the half empty shelves, yet ! Are they?
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
- Jim Morrison
Stick around a little longer, things will get worse, when Global Marxist Communist One World Government democrats/republicrats, GOPe, masters take dictatorship power over America, and the world, which is already 90% begging government dictators to end all freedom and please provide everything we need, please, we will willingly obey your power over us.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin
A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.
- Bertrand de Jouvenel
Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies, The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
- C.S. Lewis
Freedom consists in considering every situation into which a person will enter by his own free will; and take on all the responsibilities that have arisen here.
- Jean Paul Sartre
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
sw penn 11/25/2021 10:17:39 AM (No. 988545)
Communists in Russia, no food in the stores...
Communists in America, no food in the stores...
Do people never learn?
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Paglia guy 11/25/2021 10:22:57 AM (No. 988558)
I hope all the children on Nantucket are locked down. The MAP-in-chief is on the island.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 11/25/2021 10:38:27 AM (No. 988587)
Right out of the Marxists manuals. Tell everyone they are not seeing what they are seeing. Lying about the realities their policies create.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
chumley 11/25/2021 10:50:24 AM (No. 988619)
My local Food Lion had 22 lb turkeys for 29 cents a pound IF you buy $35 worth of other stuff, limit 2 turkeys. So I got $144 worth of stuff (including two turkeys) for $65. They may never do it again, but they did it this year. Plenty of everything on the shelves, though the prices were generally up.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
MickTurn 11/25/2021 10:57:23 AM (No. 988633)
Nice try Joey, maybe CornPop can kick yo AZZ all the way around the store to find your food...
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Pepperpot59 11/25/2021 11:10:53 AM (No. 988652)
The biggest threat to the Democrats is that their stupid policies are directly effecting all Americans. The Democrats may try to lie their way out and blame other things but people are seeing a direct correlation between the Democrats Idiocracy and how it affects the regular person's life because everything is costing more, especially gas. We remember the first thing JA Biden did was to stop keystone.
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#4-5, another problem if you know long haul truckers is there is an extreme shortage of diesel out there right now. Lots of truckers couldn't haul freight right now even if they want to do so. That is the dirty secret behind the crisis building in our oil/diesel reserves. Can't haul if you can't feed the beast.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
mc squared 11/25/2021 12:21:16 PM (No. 988749)
..and the Afghanistan withdrawal was a great success.
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And BiteMe assured the Pope before his meeting that he didn't need to go potty.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
anniebc 11/25/2021 12:54:59 PM (No. 988790)
Once again, he knows nothing bout nothing. Shut up, you senile old fraud!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
navybrat 11/25/2021 12:57:16 PM (No. 988795)
How would he even know? Does he expect us to believe, he grocery shops? Even if he was mentally fit and coherent, he is very rich and it would not matter to him if we have food or not. This administration, think Jenifer Granholm and Kamala, mock, laugh and ridicule the people of the country affected and hurt by their thoughtless, ignorant regulations, mandates, executive orders and incompetence.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
JrSample 11/25/2021 3:45:44 PM (No. 988897)
Nothing to see, here.
Just another pants-load courtesy of Diaper Joe.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
broken01 11/25/2021 4:11:46 PM (No. 988910)
Once again our moronic so called president doesn’t know WTH he’s talking about. He’s had that problem since the 70s. The only difference is he’s suffering from dementia.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
rochow 11/25/2021 6:40:15 PM (No. 988966)
How can the poah vegetable know anything. He is sitting in his gazillion $$$$ rented home and he can't look that far. Besides, he does not do grocery shops. People could come up to him and complain about the illegals, the hideous withdrawal from Afghanistan, turning off our own oil production, etc. etc......
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
danu 11/25/2021 6:44:59 PM (No. 988972)
another preposterous poonami of copy-cat-ology..... from the pill-popping potemkin precedent,,,,
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 11/25/2021 6:58:42 PM (No. 988982)
The only diesel shortage we’ve heard of is in Arizona because truckers fill up there before heading into Commiefornia.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
web 11/25/2021 8:58:14 PM (No. 989032)
Really, Joe? This from a guy who has probably never gone shopping himself in a regular grocery store in his life. He sends the cook to do the shopping, no doubt. Here in Southern New Mexico, we are "resting easy," because we don't have to cook a turkey. They were impossible to find, probably because leftist lawyers bought $10,000 worth to give away to poor illegal aliens (most of whom probably don't celebrate Thanksgiving). Depending on the price, that might be something like 500-600 turkeys Americans were deprived of... but the lawyers felt good about themselves. I happened to grab the very last can of pumpkin, but there were no pie shells to put it in.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 11/26/2021 12:31:25 AM (No. 989095)
RE #32 and others:
My mother taught me what she called "creative shopping." Her philosophy was that if you buy it when it is plentiful and you don't need it, you will have it in stock when you do need it, even if money is short or the stores are sold out.
Pumpkin and canned milk are available year round and store easily. I buy mine throughout the year, sometimes just a can or two at a time.. Same with cranberry sauce, canned gravy, canned veggies and most baking supplies. Butter can be frozen as can those refrigerator pie crusts. Fresh cranberries and Cool Whip freeze well, and frozen turkeys are available in the summer. They may be a little more expensive than around Thanksgiving, but it beats having an empty table or having to explain why you are serving hot dogs on Turkey Day.
Dementia Joe wants us to panic and turn to Big Government for solutions. Well, he can stuff it where the sun don't shine. We are too smart for that.
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