Anti Mandate New Yorkers Greet The VP
Outside Carnegie Hall With Chants Of ‘Kamala
Is A Wh**e’ – No MSM Coverage(Videos)
USA Supreme,
Bruce Hoenshell
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
11/2/2021 8:54:35 AM
Vice President Kamala Harris visited New York City Monday, touring John F. Kennedy International Airport as part of an effort to see how climate action can create jobs.
“To meet our climate commitment, we must, we must, I say to my fellow Americans, put in the work,” she said.
Harris was joined at JFK Airport by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, as they touted two new initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gases.
“First, a new partnership between our government and private companies to drive innovation in electric heat pumps,” Harris said.
Later she participated in a celebration marking the 30th anniversary of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
TLCary 11/2/2021 9:04:29 AM (No. 964400)
"innovation in electric heat pumps"? We are so close to the maximum theoretical Carnot Efficiency that any significant improvements in electric heat pumps would require - magic. I wonder how many billion$ of our tax dollars they are pumping into their cohorts' pockets in search of that perpetual motion machine. "The Green Agenda"... at least it's well named.
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Rude, but no lies detected.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Enoch Powell 11/2/2021 9:19:52 AM (No. 964418)
So, the border Czarina is in New York. Border, inflation, China, supply chain, energy, domestic left wing violence, and she's chasing the unicorn of climate change. These aren't serious people.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 11/2/2021 9:28:04 AM (No. 964430)
I bet Heels-Up appreciates the recognition of her only political accomplishment.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
brother ram 11/2/2021 9:32:57 AM (No. 964434)
Willie Brown was Kamala's heat pump - just say'in.
26 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
AltaD 11/2/2021 9:45:05 AM (No. 964448)
Skimmed the headline and honestly thought "Wh**e" = "White". I'm guessing her supporters would find that chant equally insulting as what was actually said.
16 people like this.
So, the media has been so focused on calling out "Let's Go Brandon" as being obscene, I wonder how they'll try to spin this one? I can hear it now. "They weren't chanting 'Kamala is a wh*r', they were chanting 'Omelets for the poor!"
28 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
FLCracker 11/2/2021 9:49:27 AM (No. 964458)
#6, me too. I was trying to figure out if they were using "white" as a adjective or a noun.
Thanks for setting me straight. (Still took me a minute or two to get it; I'll never be a contender on "Wheel of Fortune.)
15 people like this.
Oh, I see it now. When I first saw wh**e, I thought they were calling her white. That gave me a good laugh this morning.
12 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 11/2/2021 10:04:19 AM (No. 964472)
Kamala is a 'whale' no that would be Stacy Abrams.
14 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Venturer 11/2/2021 10:15:55 AM (No. 964488)
My daughter's house is heated with a heat Pump, I never take my coat off when I go there.
The air it puts out is not really that warm except when the real heat part of it comes on, and then it's too expensive to run.
7 people like this.
I LOLed.
5 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
lakerman1 11/2/2021 11:06:00 AM (No. 964562)
Shouldn't Kamala say, "my fellow Canadians?" Or My fellow Jamaicans? Or my fellow Indians?
7 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 11/2/2021 11:12:50 AM (No. 964579)
The ruling elite class is beginning to sense that the great unwashed masses of taxpaying American patriots are growing unmanageable and dare I say it ANGRY!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
coldborezero 11/2/2021 11:37:27 AM (No. 964614)
It's funny 'cause it's true.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DVC 11/2/2021 11:40:53 AM (No. 964619)
The California Whore and Pappa Poopypants.....what a pair.
Let;s go, Brandon!
11 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
chance_232 11/2/2021 11:41:21 AM (No. 964620)
Well...... to be fair. If the crowd chanted F...Kamala, she might take it as a challenge.
8 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/2/2021 11:47:49 AM (No. 964631)
Jobs? Ooh, ooh! I have an idea. When the wind stops blowing at one of our many windmill farms we can line up a few hundred people in front of each idle windmill and they can blow their lungs out until the blades start turning. I know you've noticed that when you drive by a windmill farm, less than half of the units are in motion. Is it frequent breakdowns or lack of wind? My current record is the farm in Central Pennsylvania where one windmill out of about fifty was actually in motion.
As for that other boondoggle, solar power, the same skills are required so these workers will always be busy. Turn your mouths skyward and blow the clouds away from the sun. Voila! Twelve hours of sunshine. There are other uses for your blowing skills but I will keep this commentary clean. Kamala can relate to that.
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"Some people are born great, and others have greatness thrust into them" - Willie Brown on Kamala Harris
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Heat pumps are not the solution for an area like New York. Basically, you'll be running your air conditioner 7 days a week in the winter on top of the 7 days a week in the summer. And anything that causes a greater demand for electricity isn't necessarily good for the climate - unless, of course, we start building nuclear plants in every city and county in the country.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
anniebc 11/2/2021 12:19:29 PM (No. 964675)
They just don't get it do they? They travel with motorcades, expensive aircraft, costs to taxpayers, and they want us to believe they're concerned about climate change and job creation. Good grief! we're being destroyed by idiots.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
mc squared 11/2/2021 12:41:37 PM (No. 964708)
Correct #20. I suspect people think they just get plugged in like electric toothbrushes ....or electric vehicles.
Zero Emmissions!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
red1066 11/2/2021 12:55:36 PM (No. 964732)
The mattress queen probably didn't get the meaning of the message.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
bad-hair 11/2/2021 2:17:35 PM (No. 964833)
No wonder she doesn't get out much.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Readaholic 11/2/2021 3:49:43 PM (No. 964947)
It reminds me of the Whore of Babylon.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
MickTurn 11/2/2021 6:46:45 PM (No. 965154)
Well they are NOT LYING...right Camel Toe?
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
mifla 11/3/2021 5:24:02 AM (No. 965495)
For years, the Dems have been verbally abusing conservatives. The shoe is now on the other foot.
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I thought we are now respecting sex workers, so how is this an insult... Not one MSM decided to weigh in and report about this, with Trump they constantly bombarded us with news that didn't even have video evidence!