Biden condemns GOP state legislators on
National Coming Out Day
Washington Times,
Jeff Mordock
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
10/11/2021 12:26:55 PM
President Biden on Monday marked National Coming Out Day—a holiday encouraging LGBTQ people to be open about their sexuality—by condemning Republican state legislatures for bills he says unfairly discriminate against the LGBTQ community. “Despite the extraordinary progress our nation has made, our work to ensure the full promise of equality is not yet done,” Mr. Biden said in a statement. “Anti-LGBTQ+ bills still proliferate in state legislatures. Bullying and harassment—particularly of young transgender Americans and LGBTQ+ people of color—still abounds, diminishing our national character.
“From defeating discriminatory bills to passing the Equality Act, we have more work to do to ensure that every American can live free
Reply 1 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 10/11/2021 12:31:07 PM (No. 941980)
I don't think I can take much more of Biteme's "unity." No mean tweets, though.
31 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
bobn.t 10/11/2021 12:31:56 PM (No. 941981)
Further perverting the country.
22 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/11/2021 12:37:12 PM (No. 941990)
I never thought about anyone's sexuality until the 'Great Coming Out' There isn't a movie or TV show that doesn't have 1 or more gays involved. TV has become almost all black and gay.
This neanderthal bigot stopped watching TV after Jeopardy died.
25 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
paral04 10/11/2021 12:38:27 PM (No. 941991)
He doesn't want them to be equal, he wants them to be more equal since normal people don't get a special day.
24 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
jimincalif 10/11/2021 12:38:55 PM (No. 941992)
There he goes, unifying us again!
20 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
formerNYer 10/11/2021 12:41:15 PM (No. 941994)
Hey Xiden when is National Sniff a little girl day you pervert!
26 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
subman47 10/11/2021 12:48:29 PM (No. 942001)
This disaster in the Whitehouse has no idea what he'e saying half the time. To make all people free we should take freedoms away from certain groups who live in this country. Three universities out west have decided that in one of their dorms one floor would be designated for people of color only. No white students need apply. Now is that segregation or racism? I guess it's just being woke. That's what's in play in todays world.
17 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
PChristopher 10/11/2021 12:50:55 PM (No. 942004)
The great unifier strikes again.....what a loser
14 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Nimby 10/11/2021 12:54:33 PM (No. 942012)
When is he coming out?
11 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 10/11/2021 12:55:15 PM (No. 942014)
And Obama
And rice
And Harris
And Pelosi
And Schumer
And schiff
F ‘em all ...their end time is nearing....
22 people like this.
Of all the problems facing this country, this is what the are worried about!
18 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
jalo1951 10/11/2021 1:17:20 PM (No. 942035)
Funny but I don't have the need to run down the street naked screaming I am a normal woman with all the right body parts Why do these people have the need to dress as Tinkerbell and blow glitter out of a plastic penis and scream "Look at ME. You need to celebrate ME"? While riding on a flatbed truck.
19 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
downnout 10/11/2021 1:19:25 PM (No. 942037)
Is there no end to the insanity? No one cares about your sexual preferences. Why do you make it such an issue?
22 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
fingerpicker 10/11/2021 1:20:10 PM (No. 942038)
I believe Joey is heterophobic.
And his "community" is guilty of gender appropriation.
And they are science deniers.
So there.
9 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
deerejon 10/11/2021 1:37:40 PM (No. 942057)
..Sorry Biden,but it is already a holiday.Columbus day,Maybe they think he was gay
10 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
skacmar 10/11/2021 1:40:27 PM (No. 942060)
Listening to Biden, Democrats, and LGBTQ activists, one would think that LGBTQ people were the vast majority of the population or a large minority who were persecuted and denied basic human rights every day. Bottom line is that LGBTQ people already have the same rights as everyone else. They just wish to wear their sexual identity front and center as a badge of honor and are upset when someone does not praise them for "coming out". You want to be gay, trans, whatever, fine. Just don't demand special treatment from everyone else because of your lifestyle decisions. Live your life, don't expect everyone to bow to your decisions, and don't cry when someone does not agree with you. Just because I disagree with you does not mean I hate you, it means I disagree with you.
15 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
RussZilla 10/11/2021 1:43:49 PM (No. 942065)
Can't even answer questions about matters of economy, defense, international partnership...add to this list if you wish. But he is still able to browbeat most of us Americans.
Something's gotta give, folks. Sheesh!
9 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 10/11/2021 1:44:24 PM (No. 942067)
Shut up and finish your bottle of Ensure and then go take a nap.
6 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/11/2021 1:48:42 PM (No. 942073)
Hey JoeBoy
FTA ... Bullying and harassment—particularly of young transgender Americans and LGBTQ+ people of color.
Not by me or anybody I know. Tell them to come on out and then get out of our face and go to work and live their lives like the rest of us. Homosexual guys have HUSBANDS. Homosexual girls have WIVES. I DON'T CARE. The
shock value of that tidbit is about 8 years GONE.
3 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
red1066 10/11/2021 2:08:07 PM (No. 942093)
Will the demosluts come out as communists, or will they continue to hide behind their fake love of the U.S.?
3 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
SALady 10/11/2021 2:12:35 PM (No. 942099)
Elections have consequences -- especially ones so blatantly stolen!!!
Honestly, I blame the Republi-Can'ts even more than the Demon-Rats!!! The Demon-Rats do what they do -- power at all cost and by any means necessary!!! Lie, cheat, steal, even kill -- as long as they get and keep power (so that they can ram horrible, evil, and immoral things like this down our throats), the ends always justify the means!!!
But the Republi-Can'ts could have stood up, been strong, and stopped this blatant and evil election theft last November. But too many of the swamp-creature Republi-Can'ts decided it was more important to just "play nice" and protect their swamp trough, that this is exactly what the world sees representing what used to be a patriotic and moral nation!!!
4 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 10/11/2021 2:34:13 PM (No. 942124)
I want a national Just Shut Up day and a Let’s Go Brandon! Day.
7 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
hershey 10/11/2021 2:47:44 PM (No. 942136)
I about choked when I saw about this 'National' day on the news this morning....this society is truly doomed and no wonder God has denied us...most of the country is Sodom and Gomorrah...oh, and today is STILL Columbus Day in this house...all those 'woke' liberals can just go straight to hell....
4 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
columba 10/11/2021 3:01:41 PM (No. 942154)
I "came out" of my house on Sunday and offered Divine Liturgy at 10 AM. I read aloud several pieces of scripture which acknowledged the truth that is contained in that scripture.
Once again I thought of childhood memories which mentioned people who are "lost" and how those people might someday acknowledge truth.
2 people like this.
How about National Get Back in the Closet Day, for a change.
6 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 10/11/2021 3:20:15 PM (No. 942176)
The Divider-In-Chief in action.
4 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Luandir 10/11/2021 3:29:49 PM (No. 942189)
Let's go, Brandon!
4 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/11/2021 3:56:50 PM (No. 942227)
does diapers even understand what he's saying anymore?
3 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
GTO6.0 10/11/2021 5:44:26 PM (No. 942336)
So can I run around today in a Speedo telling everyone how opposite sex hereto I am???
Does “normal” ever get a DAY?
Or do you have to be a deviant to get a day?
3 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
GTO6.0 10/11/2021 5:45:38 PM (No. 942338)
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
skacmar 10/11/2021 5:46:15 PM (No. 942341)
So, why exactly do we need a National Coming Out Day? Is it to make the LGBTQ crowd feel more "special"? Is it to let the LGBTQ crowd and activists make everyone think that a bigger percentage of the country is LGBTQ, and they deserve special recognition and praise because of their sexual preferences? Here is an idea: Keep your sexual preferences to yourself. Live your life how you choose but stop shoving it down everyone's throat and forcing people to accept your choice/lifestyle. Just as the LGBTQ demands acceptance of their lifestyle, the straight community demands the LGBTQ community accepts the straight lifestyle and "celebrates" it!
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
DVC 10/11/2021 6:04:02 PM (No. 942364)
National Disgust Your Friends and Family Day.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/11/2021 6:10:00 PM (No. 942373)
Is there an perversion that joe Biden does not accept.
3 people like this.
Do heterosexuals ever "come out"? Do they find it necessary to declare their heterosexuality to family, friends and colleagues?
1 person likes this.
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Sexual deviants have more rights than anyone else, except perhaps illegal aliens. Meanwhile, the same Gay American government that frets about infringement of imaginary rights is demanding that we stick needles in our arms or be fired from our jobs.