Chuck Schumer claims Senate has reached
a deal to avoid government shutdown: Resolution
to keep the lights on through December
3 includes $6B to help Afghan refugees
and $29B in disaster aid
Daily Mail (UK) & Agence France-Press,
Keith Griffith
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
9/30/2021 10:23:54 AM
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says that Republicans and Democrats have reached a deal to extend government funding, which is set to expire at midnight on Thursday and plunge the government into a shutdown unless the extension passes. 'We have agreement on the CR - the continuing resolution - to prevent the government shutdown. And we should be voting on that tomorrow morning,' Schumer, a New York Democrat, said on the Senate floor late Wednesday. The deal, which funds the government through December 3, includes money for Afghan refugees and disaster relief.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
chance_232 9/30/2021 10:34:07 AM (No. 931019)
That works out to about 60,000+ for each refugee. Who's palms are being greased??
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/30/2021 10:38:00 AM (No. 931026)
So, Chuckie, when will the rest of the Americans be evacuated from Afghanistan following biden the cheater's screwed up bug out back in August?
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What are you doing Senate Republicans? Let him shut down the government. Stick by your guns, make the Dems own this spending insanity. You're not Democrats, stop acting like them. Like Nancy Reagan said, "Just say no!"
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
singermom9 9/30/2021 10:40:44 AM (No. 931033)
Let me get this straight. According to the dems diversity, not unity, is our strength so we have to bring in millions of refugees a year. Each of them, through "The Family Reunification Act" can bring in an unlimited number of "family" (whatever that means). Does that include your brother's third cousin twice removed? So this year biden is bringing in 2 million "refugees" or Freeloaders. If they bring in the average per person of "family" that will be about 22 million. And this is only biden's first year.
I heard dems say about the Haitians, "well they fit the criteria for asylum seekers. Well so do 70% of the world's population. Is joe trying to bring them all in? The Haitians, in interviews, wanted to thank "father Biden" for welcoming them in.
This invasion is not funny. These people are wearing new clothes and shoes and they all have cellphones. Someone is orchestrating this.
Logistically this is going to cause so many problems. For example, kids going to school have to show proof of vaccinations for diseases that have long been eradicated in the US. When these kids, from over 160 countries, go to YOUR school who is going to check to be sure they are vaccinated for measles, mumps and the rest? And you have to give those shots over a period of time, you can't just give them all at once. Are you aware that Polio is very active in Afghanistan? Do our doctors even know how to look for, or might even think of that as a diagnosis anymore? Now we have all these people here from Afghanistan. Do you want to be exposed to polio? How about Monkeypox. 4 Nigerians that crossed the southern border brought that and then there were 200 cases. Just like that. Do you want that?
Where are these people going to live? What will they eat? Who is going to care for them? My concern is that we are allowing so many people in so fast that there is no way they can integrate easily. I do not understand how “putting kids in cages” was so evil during Trump but is now perfectly OK. Some of those kids are on suicide watch. Here is a story about these poor, neglected kids. Why are they not allowed to go to families if they have them in the US?
As an example, regarding the Haitians. Are the schools prepared to take in all of these new kids? What language do they speak? How can we best teach an older Haitian child that really needs to be in a lower grade because of skill level and necessary teaching level to learn basic skills and language but is too old to be in a younger class. It does them no good to be in a school with children his/her same age if they do not have basic skills. We have remedial classes for college kids but we have nothing to be able to remediate these kids who have to learn basic skills before they can learn more complex thoughts and ideas. This is not fair to them. How can they thrive if they are not prepared?
I am not sure what the goal is or why this is being done but the people of the US are not prepared to deal with this this fast. It will simply make people angry and feel overwhelmed. That is not healthy for anyone. I guess I do know why they are here. Dems want more voters.
And what about covid? Is biden REALLY worried about its spread? He is mandating shots for Americans but those here illegally are AOK according to him. Is it really dangerous and the goal is to depopulate America of citizens and replace then with new voters who are thankful to receive welfare and care from dems and are therefore dependent on them and will gladly hand over their vote for more? I saw a video on the news where they asked the Del Rio Haitians about it and they are so grateful to father biden for inviting and welcoming them here. Well father biden is supporting them with YOUR tax dollars.
Here is Bill Kristol saying that every now and then we need to replace Americans because they get lazy and get in new people. Not so funny now is it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
singermom9 9/30/2021 10:49:16 AM (No. 931043)
Afghans are receiving $1,250 per person per month. So if you are a family of Mom and Dad and 5 kids you get $8,750 per month. I could live on that too. Especially after receiving free housing, healthcare, food stamps, schooling and all the rest. Not many of the Afghans that helped the Americans as translators etc are here because they were all left in Afghanistan with the Americans but there are LOTS of Afghanistan "refugees" here that just happened to get on the plane to get-it-all-in-America. And I am supposed to be happy about this? No one asked me if I want to support this.
Also I am MANDATED to get the "poison booster" but they are not. Why is that? Are they our "replacements"? Another booster or two and more of us will succumb. Father Biden will gladly pay them support for their vote. Not that they need it because the dems have machines that vote for them over...and over...and over.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 9/30/2021 10:49:44 AM (No. 931046)
Guess all that ice cream Joe handed out at the softball game was just what they needed! I'm sure "Cocaine Mitch" will waddle to a microphone and tell us how he really "fought for the people" on this one...
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 9/30/2021 10:56:53 AM (No. 931054)
The question is what other pork is in the CR? You know the democrats, and their allies on the other side, can never pass up an opportunity to spread gravy across the plate.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
downnout 9/30/2021 11:21:59 AM (No. 931094)
Chucky must have his fingers in NGOs…he’s getting his cut somewhere.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DaBigGuy 9/30/2021 12:10:07 PM (No. 931147)
$6 billion for Afghan refugees who shouldn't be here, yet they ran out of money in the PPP program to benefit American small businesses. Standard disgusting Democrat priorities.
9 people like this.
Leave it to Rats to import an illiterate slave class (those black Americans got too rich and uppity) while at the same time inject the productive population with an emergency inoculation of a "messenger" genetic altering drug of no proven efficacy and no known long term effect. What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, let me figure this out, everybody works for the government. They print worthless money to trade among the plebes for food and water which eventually ends up with those elites who control the copy might not be too soon before we have to buy our daily bread with a saved up roll of toilet paper.
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F any Republican scum that goes along with this.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
bad-hair 9/30/2021 1:43:09 PM (No. 931213)
What ever happened to the term MILLION
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Fvcking limp-wristed, gutless, communist enabling Trashpublicans.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
jacksin5 9/30/2021 2:05:20 PM (No. 931227)
When will the Congress come up with an actual Budget? You know, we take in so much money, so we only spend so much.
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