So how did 15,000 Haitians suddenly find
their way to Del Rio, Texas?
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner,
9/19/2021 10:37:04 AM
The migrant mass of some 15,000 mostly Haitians now illegally on U.S. territory in a squalid, never-before-seen shantytown under a bridge near Del Rio, Texas demands some answers.
Here's how bad it is: (Snip for tweet) It's natural to want to know how this formed? Why is it so big? Why did it end up at Del Rio, Texas, a town ill-equipped to accommodate them? How did these people fly or sail from faraway Haiti? Are more on the way? And where the heck is Joe Biden and his brainless, disengaged border czar, Kamala Harris? Joe was last seen at the beach in Delaware as this crisis fireballed
Reply 1 - Posted by:
sunshinehorses 9/19/2021 10:49:53 AM (No. 919605)
I am still asking how they got off an island almost 2,000 miles from Mexico and got to Mexico??? Boats?? Planes?? Both take $$ and planning for that many people. Someone is behind this migration. This has happened too quickly after the Haitian take-over.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Daisymay 9/19/2021 11:05:26 AM (No. 919615)
I've been asking this for Days! Seems someone is footing the Bill for Transporting those Haitians from their Homeland either to the U.S. or Mexico. Someone knows WHO! I know, how about asking the Haitians!!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
PageTurner 9/19/2021 11:09:24 AM (No. 919619)
Most of them are previously settled refugees from places like Brazil and Chile who are now shopping for a better country. There were no boats from Haiti, those happened years ago. Officially settled refugees have no right to claim refugee status anywhere in the world. These are economic migrants who are country-shopping for a bigger benefit package.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Muguy 9/19/2021 11:10:31 AM (No. 919622)
As usual, a GREAT column with facts and details from Monica Showalter!
President Trump had a "remain in Mexico" policy deal which JoeBamaBiteMe stopped and refuses to implement as directed by the court decision.
The Courts recently ruled that it was the correct policy, but like ALMOST EVERYTHING dementia Joe touches, it becomes a much GREATER disaster when his seeming sole aim is to do the OPPOSITE of what Mr. Trump did.
The key detail is that this is one place the drug lord Cartels do not require payment to access crossing the Rio Grande to get into the US from Acuna.
Why would he fly them back to Haiti when he REFUSES to demand that AMERICANS he left behind do suffer and die under the Tollybon NOT bel able to fly out????
Golfing and going off to Delaware is not going to solve any problems-- what "shiny object" dececption or other lie to cover up the many OTHER lies is the media going to concoct to distract U.S. from his failure to protect American citizens??
Showalter's article is well worth your time reading and reflecting on
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Shells 9/19/2021 11:11:21 AM (No. 919623)
I want this question answered! It can’t be that hard to find out!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 9/19/2021 11:15:48 AM (No. 919629)
I hate all of them. Xiden is the addled figurehead of the diseased, puss-filled tumor that infects America's body-politik.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Quigley 9/19/2021 11:18:37 AM (No. 919634)
The Dims’ hunger games policy.
If you can get here alive we’ll give you a bus ride somewhere, $20, and a getto to live in; we’ll bring the ballots to you to mark as a “public service.”
13 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Kutchk 9/19/2021 11:26:39 AM (No. 919641)
#7 per Newsome and CALI;
That Ghetto is now the recently abandoned Kmart down your street.
No more suburbs. It’s all ghetto now.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 9/19/2021 11:27:41 AM (No. 919647)
#1 - perhaps this is where the Clinton Charity Foundation finally found it's calling?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 9/19/2021 11:31:36 AM (No. 919652)
Haven't seen Kamala in a while. I'm guessing facelift.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 9/19/2021 11:51:41 AM (No. 919687)
Someone provided transportation and rounded them up. I figure that Evil George Soros is the most likely funding source. He has hundreds of evil minions in the country, like termites, continuously boring away, destroying the country.
19 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
cedar 9/19/2021 12:12:42 PM (No. 919713)
It's probably George Soros flying them to the US. Notice they are almost all males.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/19/2021 12:24:02 PM (No. 919735)
Flights from Haiti that JOEY PERVERT paid for with OUR MONEY!
Any questions?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Geoman 9/19/2021 12:32:46 PM (No. 919753)
Re: The notion that Biden likes to do the opposite of Trump - I have it on good authority that Donald Trump breathed air with 20.9% Oxygen and drank a lot of H2O during his presidency. Perhaps Biden will now cease to follow Trump's lead.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
downnout 9/19/2021 12:33:43 PM (No. 919755)
Send them to Julian Castro. Let him take care of the “refugees”.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 9/19/2021 12:52:58 PM (No. 919774)
fta...'They are economic migrants who are now country-shopping for better benefits packages and prospects.'
The truth about all these 'refugees'. they aren't coming here to take jobs from Americans, they are coming here to get free food, housing, medical, clothing, schooling and $600 or $700 a month in welfare. All of them, not just the ones from Haiti.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
earlybird 9/19/2021 1:24:29 PM (No. 919821)
I smell Soros. He previously helped fund the walking caravans from Central America that plagued the southern border a few years ago. Debit cards - financed by him - were even passed out to the caravanners standing in lines along the way.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
earlybird 9/19/2021 1:25:41 PM (No. 919823)
What #3 said.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
earlybird 9/19/2021 1:29:25 PM (No. 919825)
People keep asking how they got there. Read #3 and then think “by air” - many have been transported to South and Central America in the past by air...
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Zarin 9/19/2021 1:39:48 PM (No. 919832)
First of all - it is a thing called cell phones & social media. Word spreads faster than ever! Wow! And Mexico letting them go from the holding camps! Also heard that some had come all the way from Brazil & Argentina - many having left Haiti in 2010.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 9/19/2021 6:18:57 PM (No. 920040)
Aren't 'refugees' supposed to seek sanctuary in the nearest country they're fleeing from? Well, look at that map provided in the article. There's the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Honduras. Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico - all before reaching Texas. I have a feeling President Trump would have told Mexico that if they went the route they did, he'd put sanctions on them so heavy the cartels would be starving.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/19/2021 9:17:05 PM (No. 920168)
Chances are that Mexico would never have allowed all those Haitians to travel through Mexico without them having any sort of travel documents such as passports and entry visas if Biden had not notified the Mexican Government that he would allow all those Haitians into the USA and therefore they would not be staying in Mexico.
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