'I'm told 70% of American people think
it was time to get out': Biden defends
his withdrawal from Afghanistan
during 9/11 memorial ceremony
after Trump branded it 'incompetent'
Daily Mail (UK),
Andrew Court
Rachel Sharp
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
9/11/2021 8:58:06 PM
Joe Biden has defended his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan while attending a 20th anniversary memorial service for the victims of 9/11.The Commander-in-chief was asked about his decision to pull out troops from the Middle Eastern country as he left the service in Shanskville, Pennsylvania on Saturday. 'Could al Qaeda come back? Yeah. But guess what, it's already back other places,' Biden stated. 'What's the strategy? Every place where al Qaeda is, we're going to invade and have troops stay in? C'mon. I'm told 70 percent of American people think it was time to get out of Afghanistan spending all that money, but the flip of it is
It was time for an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was not time to leave without evacuating American citizens and Afghan allies from Afghanistan, and it was not time to leave the Taliban tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons and munitions.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/11/2021 9:10:18 PM (No. 911497)
Stick to the subject, vegetable. It's how you got out, not THAT you got out, you clown!
27 people like this.
#1 has it right... ORDERLY withdrawal. It couldn’t have been drawn up this poorly unless it was intentional.
Who’s paying them off is the question.
21 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
JL80863 9/11/2021 9:17:59 PM (No. 911504)
The second day that will live in infamy. You will not be forgiven you traitor.
20 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
earlybird 9/11/2021 9:21:49 PM (No. 911505)
Too hard-headed to admit he did it all wrong.
16 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
subal 9/11/2021 9:25:53 PM (No. 911506)
Joe; Still hearing voices in your head ?
Or is it from your prompter ear piece?
9 people like this.
What a lying little weasel he is. He knows this is not about leaving Afghanistan. Everyone agreed that it was time to leave but his incompetent way of leaving is the issue. He lies about everything and everyone. He even lies when he doesn't have to, something he must have learned from Clinton.
11 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/11/2021 10:02:34 PM (No. 911520)
Yea, ALL of the 70% were Communists just like you and wanted America to Fail!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jalo1951 9/11/2021 10:11:46 PM (No. 911529)
You're told when to stop talking and walk off the stage, which "news journalists" to call on, when to change your socks and take a leak. Highly unimpressive.
9 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 9/11/2021 10:33:41 PM (No. 911535)
Reminds me of a cartoon. A little boy is saying ''Mommy said kill the spider''. Their house is completely burned down and is a pile of smoking rubble.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
PostAway 9/11/2021 10:46:17 PM (No. 911541)
Even before half of Joe’s brain was excised and the rest hadn’t turned into cobwebs he wasn’t at all bright. But one would hope that in better days even he would have seen a problem with showing extreme cowardice and weakness, gifting the enemy with $83B of primo military equipment and then stating, “Could al-qaeda come back? Guess what. It’s already back in many places.”
Also, guess what, Joe. Knock off the sophomoric and archaic verbal tics. For real. I mean, c’mun maaaan. It’s really gotten tedious as hell.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 9/11/2021 10:56:39 PM (No. 911553)
Well put, #1.
I think what we have is some people think he looks like a harmless, doddering old duffer when he is actually a seditious old creep.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Nimby 9/11/2021 11:21:38 PM (No. 911580)
Told by whom? Your sycophants?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
janjan 9/11/2021 11:35:59 PM (No. 911592)
Yes everyone was begging for this incompetent clown show that left Americans stranded and delivered an entire arsenal to a bunch of terrorist animals all at US taxpayer expense. An arsenal that the useless Democrat jackasses in Congress refuse to even quantify lest it cost one of their evil brethren a vote. Biden literally makes me sick.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 9/11/2021 11:47:39 PM (No. 911606)
Did our pResident Potato take a poll of the American people, or did his poll consist of only the West Wing?
He is a walking, lying, corrupt, loser of a politician. He's been a liar all his life. It was THE most DISGRACEFUL event that's ever happened to this nation.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 9/12/2021 12:52:19 AM (No. 911632)
I'm told? You're right you're told. You're told everything, right down to being reminded to wipe your butt, you demented dictator.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/12/2021 2:59:46 AM (No. 911670)
al Qaeda is now in the US. Going to ignore that too, Joe? Not enough blood on your hands? Once bin Laden was killed, we had no reason to be in Afghanistan, if it ever made sense to attack an entire country over one villian who wasn't even there. If I recall, that was on Obama's watch. You remember Barack, don't you Joe, your former employer who is now filling your head with muslim thoughts.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
mifla 9/12/2021 5:10:45 AM (No. 911688)
I'm told 70% of the people think you should resign.
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