Home sick home: Inside the 9/11 terrorists’
Florida luxury hideaway
New York Post,
Mary K. Jacob
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
9/11/2021 3:32:35 AM
A well-connected Saudi family hosted frequent visits from 9/11 terrorists at their Sarasota, Fla., home while they were in the area flight training, according to documents released by the FBI in 2013.(Snip)Located in the exclusive community of Prestancia, where Michael Jordan once rented a home, the residence was owned by Esam Ghazzawi—a prominent Saudi interior designer, businessman and adviser with long ties to the Saudi royal family.(Snip)Despite denying any involvement with the terrorists, the al-Hijjis abruptly fled their Sarasota home in a rush two weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks. “They left behind valuable items, clothing, jewelry and food in a manner
Reply 1 - Posted by:
IceQueen 9/11/2021 5:54:22 AM (No. 910694)
Oh, let me make a wild guess here with regard to the special relationship. . .$$$, dollars, moolah, benjamins, payola, etc. etc. etc.??? "Donations" to libraries and other memorials to big wigs??? Laundering, anyone???
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jinx 9/11/2021 7:30:24 AM (No. 910747)
Bush knew. He allowed members of Osama Bin Laden's family fly home while grounding all other flights in the US.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 9/11/2021 7:47:52 AM (No. 910769)
What a shame we didn’t have a President Trump back then....much of the Middle East would have been a smoking hole in the ground.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/11/2021 8:37:53 AM (No. 910828)
Since bin Laden and the 19 suicide flyers were mostly Saudi, Mecca and Medina should have received the first bombs, not the mountains in Afghanistan. That would have shown the muzzies that we were serious.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/11/2021 8:52:09 AM (No. 910853)
#4, Correct. The destruction of those two cities would have saved many lives. Seems our politicians were bought by their so called friends who thought nothing of murdering over 3,000 innocent people that day. This is what happens when you do not have the will to confront evil or that will is tempered by your lust for power and money. The political class has betrayed this country and cost us immeasurably.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Ribicon 9/11/2021 9:44:58 AM (No. 910912)
FTA: "At the time, the FBI had attempted to hide the Saudi connection for years until the newly released document in 2013 proved otherwise."
"None of the information pertaining to al-Hijji made it into the '9/11 Commission Report' released in 2004. Those records were only obtained after a Freedom of Information Act request was submitted by Florida Bulldog, an online investigative journalism watchdog, years after the official books were closed and with the help of Florida Sen. Bob Graham."
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Kafka2 9/11/2021 10:26:21 AM (No. 910960)
The reason we did not retaliate against the mostly Saudi Arabian attack on 9/11 was we were highly dependent on foreign oil. The fuel shortage resulting the OPEC oil embargo a few years earlier showed how dependent we were on foreign oil. If we had retaliated at that time Saudi Arabia would have cut off all oil we needed to survive.
For a very short time, President Trump achieved oil independence for the United States. Oil could no longer be used as a weapon against us. After a few short months in office, Biden put us back into dependence on foreign oil. This put us back in the mercy of those who hate us. Biden with the full support of the Democrats is an existential threat to the United States.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
MDConservative 9/11/2021 10:59:11 AM (No. 911023)
Wonder how those cigars shared by Dubya and Saudi Ambassador (and family friend) Prince Bandar on the White House balcony tasted? Back then the Great War Chief was unquestionable...it's time to get some answers. There's much more here than anyone knows.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
LadyVet 9/11/2021 12:21:10 PM (No. 911115)
And whatever came of the doctor who treated the hijackers for symptoms thst may have been anthrax? There were some strange connections to the antrax cases in Florida, but all reports of that have been quashed.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Geoman 9/11/2021 12:54:40 PM (No. 911145)
The "special relationship" had a lot to do with our collective love of and need for putting gas in our tanks. President Trump nearly ended our dependence on Middle Eastern oil but his efforts were cut short prematurely.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
rochow 9/11/2021 3:24:41 PM (No. 911277)
That's why jackass Bush is blabbing today about the peace loving religion and people. Bush, do not show your face you illiterate liar and peddle your globalism elsewhere!
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What special relationship do the Saudis have with the FBI and the Bush family (and thus the CIA) that would merit such preferential treatment?