Biden zips around WH in hybrid Jeep
Wrangler (and demands to test the first
electric Corvette) as he pushes for HALF
of new cars to be emission-free by 2030
AND front-seat breathalyzers
Daily Mail (UK),
Geoff Earle
Emily Goodin
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
8/5/2021 5:52:34 PM
President Joe Biden took a hybrid Jeep Wrangler for a spin around the South Lawn of the White House – as he touted new battery technology going into the electric fleet. 'Have you guys driven an electric vehicle?' the president asked a group of reporters after he completed his circuit. 'You don’t hear a thing,' he said. Clearly in his element, Biden jumped out of the gray jeep and fielded several questions from the press.Asked by about language in the new infrastructure bipartisan bill about mandatory breathalyzer technology for cars, Biden backed the idea.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
chance_232 8/5/2021 5:59:36 PM (No. 869276)
Perhaps Hunter should have a breathalyzer in his vehicle.....followed by Pelosi and clinton.
15 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
wsdiego 8/5/2021 6:08:03 PM (No. 869285)
Dems always have something they want to jam down your throat!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 8/5/2021 6:09:47 PM (No. 869287)
Joe "Dementia" Biden
His driving privileges need to be severely curtailed.
Jill, his meds/dosage should be re-evaluated, ah, soon...........real soon.
8 people like this.
May he wrap the Vette around the White House tree, like Crazy Eyes from “Mr Deeds”
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 8/5/2021 6:18:24 PM (No. 869293)
Can't wait to see the first electric Jeep on a rutted logging road or off-roading above 10,000 feet elevation. There are No charging stations in the wilderness.
11 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 8/5/2021 6:35:59 PM (No. 869304)
"Emission Free" means "Maximum Pollution" from other sources such as mining for materials and disposal of those short-lived materials. Of course, that may be muted by lack of charging capacity nearly everywhere.
10 people like this.
So who cares about the ChiComs eating half of the world, so long as the Leader of the Free (so far) World is easily amused by a go kart?
6 people like this.
So, now they are calling Biden's clown car a "hybrid Jeep Wrangler"?
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His element is wearing a drool bib with oatmeal dripping down his chin.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 8/5/2021 6:48:07 PM (No. 869317)
What! No seat-belt? who was actually controlling the vehicle? This is his golf cart to commute to the dog track.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
skacmar 8/5/2021 6:49:16 PM (No. 869319)
WOW! The electric Jeep can go a whole 21 miles on electric (then gas) and only cost a little under $50,000. That will sure save the planet! Low income people will flock to spend the $50k right away! And Breathalyzers in all cars "just in case" someone drinks? Really? Why do I need this if I don't drink? Typical Democrat over reach. How about heart or blood sugar monitors just in case there is a medical event while driving? Maybe an onboard scale in the seats to let us know that we are getting too heavy?
4 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
volksford 8/5/2021 6:50:15 PM (No. 869323)
Holy smoke ....a big brass band on site to watch Corn Pop drive in a circle. A mechanized Corn Pop on the loose.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bad-hair 8/5/2021 6:55:12 PM (No. 869331)
I suspect the White House will have 20 stage 10 chargers. I won't.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
caljeepgirl 8/5/2021 7:04:16 PM (No. 869342)
Circus music....nice touch!!
I've owned two Wranglers....'98 (totalled by stranger while parked! RIP, baby) and my current ' way I'd drive them electric or hybrid. Besides, I like my roll down windows just fine!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Nimby 8/5/2021 7:09:32 PM (No. 869353)
He will be totally demented by then
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
kono 8/5/2021 7:54:50 PM (No. 869410)
No such thing as emissions-free power plants (engines). Even electric motors generate emissions at the source of electricity used to charge them, and both natural gas and nuclear power generate water vapor (isn't that a so-called "greenhouse gas", too?).
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
downnout 8/5/2021 8:46:20 PM (No. 869453)
I wonder how Mary Barra (head of GM) felt watching biteme tool around in the Jeep.
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#5 - And in sub-freezing weather!
Joe and the idiots behind him think that electric vehicles will make America look like the cover of Al Stewart's "Last Days of the Century" album (you'll have to look it up).
I'm so tired of saying it - electric vehicles are going to drive up the energy demands of this country by a factor of 10. A gallon of fossil fuel (gasoline) will move my Altima 30 miles down the road. That same gallon of fuel burned in a generating plant will provide enough electricity to move an electric vehicle about 10 feet down the driveway - on a battery made in China. California can't tap enough off the grid to keep the lights on even as 99% of us are driving gas guzzlers. So, if the 9-Year Plan established by the Central Committee is going to work they better get the permits going for the hundreds of nuclear plants that are going to be needed to feed the fabulous new grid they're also planning. This is not going to work.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
DVC 8/5/2021 9:25:56 PM (No. 869496)
Never will own one.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
kennedylaw 8/5/2021 9:57:29 PM (No. 869526)
FTA: "New models start at $49,805 and can run in electric mode for up to 21 miles."
As long as you only drive around in your yard like Biden you are good to go.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
hershey 8/5/2021 10:13:59 PM (No. 869538)
Yeah you old gasbag, when you turn 'The Beast' into an electric many mpg does it get with all that armor plating on it, not to mention all the 'follow' cars protecting your sorry lying thieving criminal butt?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Kate318 8/5/2021 10:24:36 PM (No. 869554)
Shuffles the Clown putters around in his golf cart.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
alaskaal 8/5/2021 11:28:53 PM (No. 869602)
Thank you, Oh King.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
NYbob 8/6/2021 12:33:08 AM (No. 869632)
I call it on the 'jumped out of the gray jeep.' No way in Hades Joe Biden 'jumps' anywhere, any time. He shuffles, he drools, he falls asleep, he stumbles, he wanders around confused, he whispers and he fondles, but he does not jump and he is not 'clearly' in any element. He has always been a liar, a loudmouth, a punk and a bully when he has all the advantages, but now he is just an evil, insane, decrepit freak.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 8/6/2021 1:21:50 AM (No. 869660)
Hey stupid - so-called "emissions free" vehicles pollute more than conventional internal combustion vehicles.
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