Biden 'has made the worst possible choice'
by putting VP Harris in charge of
the border crisis, claim GOP critics:
Administration ONLY allows cameras into
undercapacity child migrant facility
Daily Mail (UK),
Harriet Alexander
Adam Schrader
Emily Goodin
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
3/25/2021 2:40:09 AM
Joe Biden has made 'about the worst possible choice' in putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border, the Republican governor of Arizona has said, as critics pointed to her previous statements as evidence of her being unfit for the role.Biden on Wednesday announced that Harris was heading up his administration's approach to the U.S.-Mexico border, as they scrambled to get a grip on the increasingly fraught situation. 'She's leading the effort,' he said. 'The best thing to do is put someone when he or she speaks, they don't have to wonder about is that where the president is. 'She speaks for me. She knows what she's doing.'
Reply 1 - Posted by:
mifla 3/25/2021 4:56:03 AM (No. 734431)
Kamala: "Take a picture of me in the facility lookng concerned. OK, we are done here."
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/25/2021 6:41:47 AM (No. 734479)
Putting her in charge of anything is a mistake, as determined by democrat voters in the primary but Joe needs a scapegoat when this whole immigrant situation explodes across the country. He basically admitted that he doesn't know how to stick his thumb in the dike in the hole that he created so now it's kamala's job. To whom is she going to pass the buck when Old Joe's Everready runs down?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 3/25/2021 7:49:09 AM (No. 734517)
Please God, I’m on my knees......just make it stop!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 3/25/2021 9:07:20 AM (No. 734606)
Didn't know an expert on laying on ones' back could be translated into a project manager for a chaotic crisis. One knows' Kumala is an inspiration to young women. They know its still possible to get ahead the old fashion way, sleeping with powerful men.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 3/25/2021 9:12:24 AM (No. 734615)
Oh come on man, every choice Biden makes is the worst possible.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/25/2021 9:44:45 AM (No. 734643)
Kamala just go for the photo op moment then go back to Washington tell Joe he screwed up and that Donald Trump had the border in control. Suggest finishing the wall then increase border agents, ICE by ten fold. I don't have to go to the border to tell the nitwits in charge of the senile old coot they screwed up then bring in that welcome mat they laid out for the invaders.
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Obama’s choice more likely.
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Will she be in tears for her photo, like the barkeep as she looked through a chain-link fence into an empty parking lot?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
hoosierblue 3/25/2021 11:08:15 AM (No. 734741)
I don't believe Biden did anything. The puppet handlers in the Communcrat party are making all of the decisions. Joe just walks around asking what he should do next.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Muguy 3/25/2021 12:35:39 PM (No. 734869)
We are being played to NOT believe what we can see WITH OUR OWN EYES.
What about the THOUSANDS persons who gave affadavits to eye witness testimony of voting irregularities--- this is just more of the same.
The "watchdog media" of Watergate days is in an incestuous relationship providing either no coverage OR OUTRIGHT PROPAGANDA
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/25/2021 1:33:30 PM (No. 734907)
The Biden crew and the leftist Democrats all want open borders for partisan political purposes to create as many potential new leftist Democrat supporters and future leftist Democrat voters as possible by increasing the population of likely future leftist Democrat minority voters in critical areas of the country as much as possible. Democrats made their stance on that issue known all during the Democrat primaries, the run up to the general election, and since Biden and Harris assumed office. The problem is that much of the stupid US electorate was not paying attention, and instead allowed their minds to be taken over by Democrat personality based propaganda put out in USSR style by the fake media. In other words they voted for Biden instead of Trump due to perceived personality issues rather than the political policies that they would espouse and carry out. Since then by dumping the effective Trump borderline policies in file #13, the Biden crew and the Democrats have created a disaster along the borderline that will only get much worse as the weather moderates.
When you listen closely to the Biden crew, the leftist Democrats, and their media minions, they are spinning that they are just being humanitarian by welcoming all the five year old illegal aliens who are crossing the borderline unlawfully after walking by themselves all the way across Mexico from Central America in order to apply for asylum in the USA. Unfortunately much of the US electorate is stupid and believes that Biden and liberal media propaganda that is completely false. Almost all the young illegal aliens showing up at the borderline are teenagers or are young adults claiming to be underage teenagers who have been brought to the borderline by Mexican cartel connected people smugglers who are payed thousands of dollars, or by adults who may be the parents of those young illegal aliens who separated from them on the Mexican side of the borderline, unrelated adults who claim to be related in some way, or even by socialist activist groups who support mass uncontrolled illegal immigration into the USA. What is happening is that Biden is now allowing as many illegal aliens as possible, who are really economic migrants looking to take American jobs at low wages to gain entry to the USA under the guise of being asylum seekers. In the past such borderline asylum cases upwards of over 90% have been denied by immigration judges as not meeting the rather high standards under the asylum laws that aliens must meet to gain asylum in the USA. Biden and the leftist Democrats know that and are being disingenuous with the American people as they undermine the immigration laws. They also that that their current incompetent on purpose borderline asylum “catch and release” politics are designed to allow and unlimited number of illegal aliens into the USA. They also know that the immigration courts are now backed up so far with bogus asylum claims made by illegal aliens that new bogus asylum cases coming across the borderline today with not be initially heard in the immigration courts for five to seven years, if the illegal aliens even file such applications after being released into the USA. Biden and the Democrats have no plans to ever remove such illegal aliens from the USA and the Democrat plan is instead is to grant all illegal aliens in the USA amnesty, over 20 million, through future rolling “path to citizenship” amnesties designed by the Democrats that will result in the current illegal alien population being transformed into a ethnic and racial based Democrat identity based constituency that will be registered to vote for the Democrats in future elections by the tens of millions. In keeping with the prime leftist Democrat objective of transforming the USA into a socialist utopia.
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